Letter From Carlos:
I just signed this petition in support of Father Roy Bourgeois, who was dismissed from the priesthood and from his order, the Maryknoll Fathers and Brothers because of his support for gender equality in the Catholic Church.
On November 19th, we received the sad news that Father Roy Bourgeois, a longtime peace activist and Roman Catholic priest, was dismissed from his religious order the Maryknoll Fathers and Brothers because of his support for women’s ordination. Fr. Bourgeois first came under scrutiny from the Vatican for his support of women’s ordination in 2008 after delivering the homily at a women’s ordination ceremony in Lexington, Kentucky.
Firm in his faith and conscience, Fr. Roy has since spoken tirelessly and bravely for the equality and dignity of women, risking everything to call out sexism in the Church. A Purple Heart veteran and Noble Peace Prize Nominee (2009), Fr. Roy is also known for his work with SOA Watch, a group he founded in 1990 to protest the Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation, a U.S. Army training school at Fort Benning, Ga., formerly known as the School of the Americas.