Most Interesting from the polls: ” A record high number, 68%, said they’d like to fire every incumbent in Congress, regardless of party.”
From an editorial in the Los Angeles Times Today:
“It was clear that many of Tuesday’s voters were unhappy with Obama. In a national exit poll, 65% said they thought the country was “on the wrong track” — an even higher percentage than gave that answer in the last Republican wave election of 2010.
A solid majority, 54%, said they disapproved of President Obama’s job performance. And many — although not a majority — said they intended their vote to express opposition to Obama’s policies.
But here’s a complicating factor: Most voters didn’t approve of the GOP leadership, either. A Pew Research Center poll last month found that likely voters disliked the Republican Party even more than they disliked the Democrats. A record high number, 68%, said they’d like to fire every incumbent in Congress, regardless of party.”