Rally for $15 Wage in Los Angeles

Support the Fight for the $15 Wage in Los Angeles.  If you want to attend the rally in Los Angeles, you can sign up and Join the Busload of people that will meet at the Pomona Day Labor Center  at 1682 W Mission Blvd at 8:30 A. M. on April 15th. 


The pick up point, after Riverside, is the Pomona Day Labor Center for all students and community members from Pomona and cities in the region who want to attend. 


I appreciate all who can help in this effort in turning out students from your college or community members. We will provide free transportation and lunch. I will just need the name and phone number f or those who want to go  — in order to assign them to the busses.   If you want to go or have a group that you have signed up (see the attached sign-up sheet), you can e-mail me at:  mrosariodelacruz@gmail.com

You will be picked up around 8:30am — and we will leave Los Angeles to return at 1pm.

I have attached the flyers for Los Angeles and Riverside and sign in sheet.

Please let  me know if you have any questions.



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