There is a bus leaving our field office located at 2245 N. Garey Ave, Pomona at 9am. Please confirm if you are able to attend or if you know others who are interested.
Chair Solis Hosts “Stand Against Hate” Rally
Chair of the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors Hilda L. Solis will host a rally calling for organizations, community groups, County departments, and residents to unite and stand against any acts of hate taking place throughout the County. Chair Solis has taken a strong stance against bullying, harassment, and any type of violent hate crime. Her hope is to empower residents to denounce and report any violent acts of hate as well as tap into free legal assistance for DACA and DREAMer immigrants.
Additionally, tomorrow, the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors tomorrow will vote on a motion to reassure vulnerable individuals and communities that they are supported and have recourse if they are victims of acts of hate or bigotry.
Tuesday, November 22nd, 2016
12:00 p.m.
Grand Park
(Mezzanine level of Grand Park above Fountain)
200 N Grand Ave.
Los Angeles, CA 90012
Chair Hilda L. Solis, LA County Board of Supervisors
Supervisor, First District
*Available for Media Interviews
Advocates and Human Rights Organizations
throughout LA County
Jessie Gomez, Communications Deputy or (213) 359-0795

What about calling this rally “Rally for LOVE in LA County”. There is something powerful about being “for” something rather than “against” that people believe in. We tend to fight things we don’t want, which actually creates more of a fight.
“What you resist persists.” CJ Jung
What about reframing the next protest?