Attached is the agenda for the Latino and Latina Roundtable meeting on Saturday, October 9 at 1 pm. This is an important meeting because we will have nominations for the seven at-large members on the board. Attached is the agenda for the meeting and the minutes from the last membership meeting will follow. We urge your connecting in to the meeting and to invite other members to join us. Below is the zoom link for the meeting.
Topic: LRT Membership Meeting
Time: Oct 9, 2021 01:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
Meeting ID: 821 4475 6142
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Meeting ID: 821 4475 6142
Latino and Latina Roundtable Membership Meeting Agenda
October 9, 2021
- Welcome and Introductions – 1 – 1:15
- Minutes of last meeting (summary) 1:15 – 1:20
- Treasurer’s Report 1:20-1:25
- Director’s Report 1:25 – 1:35
- Election Nominations – to fill seven board of director positions. Nominations today and election on November 20. (1:35 – 2:20
If you are interested in running for one of the seven at-large positions or you want to nominate someone, you must participate in the membership meeting on Saturday, October 9th. In order to be nominated or to nominate someone, you have to have been a member of the LRT for at least 30 days before the October 9 membership meeting. Also, for the October 9 meeting, please be prepared to present a one-minute statement as to why you are nominating the person or nominating yourself (that can include some background and qualifications of the nominee). To be able to vote in the election set for November 20, you have to be a paid member in good standing (filled out application and paid dues) 30 days prior to the election. Hence, you have until October 20th to fill out an application and pay your dues if you have not done so already. It is important that those who are elected to the LRT board have the time and best interests of the organization, work to promote the organization, and actively participate on one of the committees.
- Short Celebratory reports on Areas of Work –(focus on our accomplishments – and particularly what we have been able to do – regardless of organizing virtually) 2:20 – 2:50
College for all – (Estela – Jose-Julissa – Melanie) – 5 minutes
Immigration – (Angela-Madeline- Maria Galvan) – 5 minutes
New Economy and EMPOWER (John, Fridah, Lina) 5 minutes
Ethnic Studies – (Fabian, Mike) – 5 minutes
Organizational Well-Being – (Lina, Rose, Alicia) – 5 minutes
- Announcements: Next LRT Membership meeting 11/20; Encuentro 10/15 at 3 PM; LRT College for All meeting 10/11 at 7 PM; Pitzer College for All Panel 10/13 at 6:15; 10/28 Coll. For All Forum (LRT and PUSD) on How to Apply for College – 9 AM Zoom through PUSD

Jose Zapata Calderon President of the Latino and Latina Roundtable Emeritus Professor of Sociology and Chicano/a and Latino/a Studies 1050 North Mills Avenue Claremont, CA 91711-6101 (909) 952-1640 Website: