Hello LRT Members,
I would like to share 3 important announcements. Scroll down to the bottom please.
1. Virtual Caminata for Immigrant Rights this Saturday 1/30/2022, tune in starting at 9:00 am.
Folks can join the live stream this Saturday through Radio Jornalera Facebook page: www.facebook.com/radiojornalera
Join our walk virtually this Saturday the 29th through facebook LIVE @radiojornalerahttps://www.facebook.com/RadioJornalera
Support us by giving a LIKE, SHARING
pledge to walk a mile
Share on your socials with #caminataporrespeto and tag us!
Become a member and join us for the membership retreat on 2/5/2022 via zoom.
Or print the paper application (PDF is attached).
Ways to pay online or through an app:
www.latinolatinaroundtable.org (donate now button on the far right).
www.latinolatinaroundtable.org (donate now button on the far right).
Paypal: paypal.me/latinoroundtable
Venmo: LatinoandLatina-Roundtable
If sending a check, please make out to Latino and Latina Roundtable and mail it to this address:
Latino and Latina Roundtable
1460 E. Holt Avenue #144
Pomona, CA 91767
Membership Retreat on February 5th from 1-3 pm via zoom

18th Annual Cesar Chavez Breakfast Update

The surge in covid cases has made us reconsider hosting an in person celebration. We will be having a virtual celebration and in the spirit of community honor the legacy of Cesar Chavez and celebrate with this year’s honorees and scholarship recipients. We would like to announce this year’s honorees.