Hi LRT Members and Friends,
We are so happy to be having a membership meeting in person (outdoors) this Saturday March 19th from 1-3 pm! Hope you can make it. See you at Pitzer College (Map is an attachment). Scroll down to the end for all the updates.
Here are the Announcements :
We still need your support with the 18th Annual Cesar Chavez Breakfast. It is next Friday and please get your ticket if you haven’t already. Come and support us, the scholarship recipients and the honorees!
We want to also highlight our Community Star Award Recipients –
Rosemary Rodriguez
Ignacio “Nacho” Montes
These two amazing community members are being recognized for their longtime dedication and service to the Latino and Latina Roundtable!
Tickets on Eventbrite:

For sponsorship opportunities, please refer to the attached flyer.
En Confianza is happening on Wednesday 3/16/22 @ 5:30 pm on Facebook. Visit the LRT Facebook page to watch live. We are enjoying connecting with you every Wednesday evening.

Ethnic Studies Committee Meeting on ZOOM – This Friday afternoon from 2:30 pm-3:30 pm. Come and learn and share your ideas.

Membership Meeting on Saturday 3/19/2022!
Come and see us in person! We will be outdoors and can’t wait to see you. Please look at the map that is attached for reference. If you have any questions please call (909) 480-6267. This is also a good opportunity to renew your membership if you have not done so. See you this Saturday at Pitzer College from 1-3 pm.

Next Tuesday 3/22/2022 at 4 pm join the Science Community Dialogue series! We want to hear from you, join the conversation. Interpretation is provided. This is a bilingual space.