The Latino and Latina Roundtable would like to invite you to three important events this week:
- The Latino and Latina Roundtable will be holding its regular membership meeting this Saturday, Nov. 19 beginning at 1 PM at our offices (1460 E. Holt Ave., Entrance #3 – Room 6 in Pomona). There is an option, if you cannot attend the meeting in person to connect in with zoom (the link is below). The members will vote on the following officers for the organization: 1. Jose Calderon (president) 2. Angela Sanbrano (Vice President) 3. Lidia Manzanares ( Treasurer) 4. Alicia Rodriguez (Secretary). After the vote, Pitzer Political Studies Professor Adrian Pantoja will present a forum on “The Latino and Latina Vote and the Mid-Term Elections.” A reception with food and refreshments will follow after. Here is the zoom link:
Meeting ID: 862 4068 5710
Passcode: 908122
- The Latino and Latina Roundtable, with other groups, is sponsoring two Equitable Community Development Workshops on Nov. 16 and Nov. 17 from 5:30 – 7 PM at 980 Corporate Center, Hall Room, in Pomona (see attached flyer). The Nov. 16 workshop is on “Centering Workers in Community Economic Development” and the Nov. 17 workshop is on “Linking Urban Agriculture and Community Economic Development.”
Jose Zapata Calderon President of the Latino and Latina Roundtable Emeritus Professor of Sociology and Chicano/a and Latino/a Studies 1050 North Mills Avenue Claremont, CA 91711-6101 (909) 952-1640 Jose_Calderon@pitzer.ed Website: