This is your invitation to the Latino and Latina Roundtable membership meeting online this Saturday, November 21 at 1 P. M. (the zoom link is below) . Only those members who are in good standing (who have completed an application and paid their dues before Oct. 16, 2020) are being invited to this meeting. We need your participation to this meeting for the purpose of electing four members that have been nominated for the LRT officer positions. Those nominated for the four positions include:
President: Jose Calderon;
Vice-President: Angela Sanbrano;
Secretary: Alicia Rodriguez; and
Treasurer: Rose Calderon.
John Nolte was nominated for Secretary but has decided to withdraw. As per our by-laws, the LRT election needs to have a quorum of 25% of the members – so it is important that you participate in this meeting. After the election of the officers, the LRT will hold a discussion on “The Results of the National Presidential Election and the Road Ahead.” We look forward to seeing you on November 21st.
Jose Zapata Calderon President of the Latino and Latina Roundtable