You are invited to the regular membership meeting of the Latino and Latina Roundtable meeting that will take place this next Saturday, April 2 (from 1 – 3 PM) at the Pitzer College Broad Center Room 208 (1050 N. Mills Ave.) in Claremont. The agenda will include introductions, reports from the various committees and include: a summary of the Cesar Chavez breakfast, report on County Supervisor Hilda Solis honoring LRT, report on the organizing for both the Cesar Chavez Park Memorial evening on April 8th (from 4 -7) and the Cesar Chavez Pilgrimage March and Festival on April 9th, the clean-up effort and work plans at Cesar Chavez Park on Pomona Beautification Day (for April 16th); report on voter registration efforts, plans on immigrant rights efforts including Pomona city council joining an amicus brief in support of DAPA, and status of the minimum wage and community schools efforts. The annual Rockabilly Festival will be taking place and members can stay and enjoy the event after our meeting.