I am writing to request your support for our fifteenth annual Cesar Chavez Breakfast that will take place on Friday, March 29, 2019, from 8 A. M. to 10 A. M. (with registration between 7 and 8 AM) at the Sheraton Fairplex Conference Center (601 W McKinley Ave., Gate 3) in Pomona. To RSVP and get table or ticket prices, please press on the link below – either RSVP by mail or RSVP online. With your support, in the last year, our Latino and Latina Roundtable has been able to fund an office and a full-time director. However, as in the past, the work of our organization is primarily led by community volunteer organizers who ask for nothing in return but the forward progress of our leadership-building efforts through our immigrant rights, community development, and education committees. In keeping with our grass-roots organizing character, we continue to keep the cost at a minimum to ensure that the tradition is in keeping with the celebration of the life of Cesar Chavez and the many leaders, from all backgrounds, who have historically given of their lives to ensure a future with justice and equity. In keeping with the tradition of honoring individuals in our region who exemplify these principles and values, this year the Roundtable is honoring: Sylvia Carranza (Community Organizer at UFCW Local 1428); Eddie Gonzalez (Community Organizer at SEIU Local 2015 and former organizer with Pomona Economic Opportunity Center); Tim Sandoval (Mayor of the City of Pomona); and James Sanbrano (a community-based Lawyer receiving the Community Star Award for his consistent efforts in defending the human and civil rights of our communities). In addition, Social Justice Scholarships will be presented to students from the region who exemplify the values of connecting their studies to community engagement and social change. You can RSVP by Mail or Online (by clicking either link on the announcement below).
Jose Calderon
President of the Latino and Latina Roundtable
Join us in honoring leaders who have demonstrated a commitment to service and values highlighted by César E. Chávez.
Eddie Gonzalez
Community Organizer at SEIU Local 2015
Sylvia Carranza
Community Organizer at UFCW Local 1428
Tim Sandoval
Mayor of Pomona
Community Star Award-
James Sanbrano
Attorney at Law
Social Justice Scholarship Recipients