
Immigration Committee Meeting Saturday at 1 pm

Hi Everyone,

This meeting will be in Spanish to update our community on legislative updates and other matters pertaining to immigration.  We will have a meeting at a later date that is bilingual. Please invite others.

Hola Familia de LRT!

 Les invitamos a nuestra reunión virtual con nuestro comité de inmigración este sábado 17 de abril a la 1:00 PM donde Hablaremos de las Propuestas Migratorias de Ley y del Fairplex de Pomona sirviendo como un sitio de admisión de emergencia para albergar temporalmente a los menores no  acompañados que llegan a la frontera surfer Estados Unidos.  Solo de click en el siguiente enlace:

 Comparta la información por favor, los esperamos.  Esta será reunión en español.



Hello LRT Family! We invite you to our virtual meeting with our immigration committee this Saturday, April 17 at 1:00 PM where we will discuss the Immigration Bills for 2021 and the Pomona Fairplex serving as an emergency admission site to temporarily house unaccompanied minors that arrive at the southern border.

Just click on the following link:

Share the information please, we look forward to seeing you.

In solidarity, 

LRT team

Your invitation to Immigrant Rights Roundtable Academy Zoom on Tuesday, June 30 – 7 PM

Dear LRT Members and Friends,


The LRT is pleased to invite you to our next Roundtable Academy Zoom discussion on Immigrant Rights on June 30, 2020 at 7:00PM.


The Immigrant Rights discussion is a continuation of our efforts to deepen our understanding of the issues that the LRT has prioritized as part of our strategic planning. Our goal is to develop a “working position paper” that will inform our strategic plan  for the next three years.


The June 30, discussion will include presentations from members who have direct experience with immigration issues (including DACA, Temporary Protective Status, and Exlusion from Federal Relief Programs)  –  that are directly impacting their families and the immigrant community at large.


Madeline Rios and Angela Sanbrano, Immigrant Rights Lead Team Coordinators will moderate the discussion (which will be translated in both English and Spanish).  The zoom link is:

Jose Calderon is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: LRT Roundtable Academy discussion on Immigrant Rights
Time: Jun 30, 2020 07:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
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Meeting ID: 960 5158 8465
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