
Invitation to Family and Holiday Get-Together at Cesar Chavez Park on Sunday, Dec. 16 at 12 noon

You are invited to a family and holiday get-together pot-luck sponsored by the Latino and Latina Roundtable and Mt. SAC Mecha this Sunday, December 16 at 12 noon at Cesar Chavez Park (2720 Barjud Ave. in Pomona).  This get-together pot-luck is part of ongoing efforts by the two organizations in  “adopting” the maintenance of the park, preserving the murals there, and promoting activities bringing our communities together.  This is a pot-luck and we ask you to bring something (food or drink or both) to share.

Jose Zapata Calderon
President of the Latino and Latina Roundtable
Emeritus Professor of Sociology and Chicano/a and Latino/a Studies
1050 North Mills Avenue
Claremont, CA 91711-6101
(909) 952-1640

Inivtation to Latino/a Roundtable Mixer this Thursday in Pomona

Hello Members and Friends of the Latino and Latina Roundtable: 

The Organizational Development Committee will be hosting a mixer for Latino/a Roundtable members, family, and friends.  Half the year has passed and much has happened. It is nice to take a break from our routine and meet up with old friends and make new friends. 

We hope this space allows you to get to know each other as we build community.  Hope to see you there!!

When: Thursday July 14th

Time: 5-7pm

Where: The Burger House 

             171 W. 2nd Street, Pomona, Ca

Attached is the flyer. If you have any other questions, please feel free to contact me.


Melissa Ayala

Latin@ Roundtable Coordinator