Category Archives: Cesar Chavez

Postpone to September “Request for your support of Annual Cesar Chavez Breakfast on March 27th in Pomona”

I am writing to ask for your support of the Latino and Latina Roundtable of the San Gabriel and Pomona Valley 16th annual Cesar Chavez breakfast fundraiser that will be held on Friday, March 27, 2020, from 8:00 a.m. – 10:00 a.m. (with registration between 7 and 8 am) at the Sheraton Fairplex Conference Center, Exposition Center 8, 601 W. McKinley Avenue, Pomona, CA 91768.  In the last year, the Latino and Latina Roundtable has moved forward in sustaining  an office and a director. As in the past, we have continued to advance our immigrant rights, community development, and education work through the commitment of dozens of volunteers and the resources that are raised from this yearly fundraiser.  In keeping with our grass-roots organizing character, we continue to keep the cost at a minimum to ensure that the tradition is in keeping with the celebration of the life of Cesar Chavez and the many leaders, from all backgrounds, who have historically given of their lives to ensure a future with justice and equity. In keeping with the tradition of honoring leaders in our region who have exemplified the principles and values of Cesar Chavez, the Roundtable this year is honoring: Teresa Romero, President of the United Farmworkers Union; Jeanette Ellis-Royston, President of the Pomona Valley Branch of the NAACP; Mario and Cecilia Suarez, posthumous award for their contributions as educators; and John Nolte, community-based lawyer (Community Star award as member of the Latino and Latina Roundtable).  In addition, Social Justice Scholarships will be presented to students from the region who exemplify the values of connecting their studies to community engagement and social change.


You can support our efforts by:

Going through eventbrite and make a reservation donation by credit card at

or attached is  an RSVP form that you can use where you can Mail RSVP & payment to: Latino and Latina Roundtable 1460 E Holt Ave, Mailbox 144 Pomona, CA 91767 by March 16.  For questions, call at: (909) 480-6267 or e-mail at


Thank you sincerely for your support,

Jose Zapata Calderon
President of the Latino and Latina Roundtable of the 
San Gabriel and Pomona Valley

Cesar Chavez Breakfast RSVP.1.31.2020 (2)

Chavez Breakfast 2020

Tickets will go on sale soon for our-

16th Annual Cesar Chavez Breakfast on March 27th

The Latino and Latina Roundtable of San Gabriel and Pomona Valley invite you to their annual breakfast! The breakfast is an opportunity to connect with others and also honor those in our community who have demonstrated the values of Cesar Chavez-

service to others, sacrifice, a preference for the most needy, determination, non-violence, acceptance, respect for life and the environment, community, knowledge, and innovation. 

Friday March 27th 2020
Sheraton Fairplex Conference Center in Pomona, CA
8:00 am-10:00 am

For sponsorship opportunities, table reservations, and advertisement in our program, please contact Lina Mira at 909-480-6267 or

Your Invitation to Cesar Chavez Breakfast in Pomona on March 29th

I am writing to request your support for our fifteenth annual Cesar Chavez Breakfast that will take place on Friday, March 29, 2019, from 8 A. M. to 10 A. M. (with registration between 7 and 8 AM) at the Sheraton Fairplex Conference Center (601 W McKinley Ave., Gate 3) in Pomona. With your support, in the last year, our Latino and Latina Roundtable has been able to fund an office and a full-time director.  However, as in the past, the work of our organization is primarily led by community volunteer organizers who ask for nothing in return but the forward progress of our leadership-building efforts through our immigrant rights, community development, and education committees.  In keeping with our grass-roots organizing character, we continue to keep the cost at a minimum to ensure that the tradition is in keeping with the celebration of the life of Cesar Chavez and the many leaders, from all backgrounds, who have historically given of their lives to ensure a future with justice and equity. In keeping with the tradition of honoring individuals in our region who exemplify these principles and values, this year the Roundtable is honoring:  Sylvia Carranza (Community Organizer at UFCW Local 1428); Eddie Gonzalez (Community Organizer at SEIU Local 2015 and former organizer with the Pomona Economic Opportunity Center); Tim Sandoval (Mayor of the City of Pomona); and James Sanbrano (a community-based Lawyer receiving the Community Star Award for his consistent efforts in defending the human and civil rights of our communities).   In addition, Social Justice Scholarships will be presented to students from the region who exemplify the values of connecting their studies to community engagement and social change.  You can RSVP by Mail or Online (by clicking either link on the announcement below). 

Jose Calderon

President of the Latino and Latina Roundtable

Join us in honoring leaders who have demonstrated a commitment to service and values highlighted by César E. Chávez. 


Eddie Gonzalez
Community Organizer at SEIU Local 2015

Sylvia Carranza
Community Organizer at UFCW Local 1428

Tim Sandoval
Mayor of Pomona

Community Star Award-
James Sanbrano
Attorney at Law

Social Justice Scholarship Recipients

The Program:
7:00 a.m.- Registration
8:00 a.m.- Seating
8:15 a.m.- Event ProgramLocation:
Sheraton Fairplex Conference Center,
601 W McKinley Ave.,
Pomona, CA 91768
*Use Gate 3 to Enter
RSVP by Mail
RSVP Online
Phone: (909) 480-6267     

Request for your support

 I am writing to request your support for our 14th  annual Cesar Chavez Breakfast that will take place on Friday, March 30, 2018, from 8 A. M. to 10 A. M. (with registration between 7 and 8 AM) at the Conference Center at the Fairplex, California Ballroom (601 W McKinley Ave., Gate 3) in Pomona. As a result of your support, the Latino and Latina Roundtable now has an office and a director for the first time in its history. Although we have no other staff, we continue to sustain the work of our immigrant rights, community development, and education work through the commitment of dozens of volunteers and the resources that are raised from this yearly fundraiser.  In keeping with our grass-roots organizing character, we continue to keep the cost at a minimum to ensure that the tradition is in keeping with the celebration of the life of Cesar Chavez and the many leaders, from all backgrounds, who have historically given of their lives to ensure a future with justice and equity. In keeping with the tradition of honoring leaders in our region who have exemplified the principles and values of Cesar Chavez, the Roundtable this year is honoring:  Maria Alonso (Director of the community-based garden Huerta del Valle), Luis Nolasco (Community Engagement and policy Advocate with ACLU), the Pomona Dining Hall Workers (whose historic efforts turned around union-busting and the firing of 17 undocumented workers to vote in UNITE-HERE culminating in a union contract), Maura Ayala (Community Star Award for her consistent organizing efforts in the community), Melanie Andreo, Pomona Unified Garey High School Senior (College Readiness Scholarship for her community engagement efforts and advocacy work on advancing a college pipeline).  In addition, Social Justice Scholarships will be presented to students from the region who exemplify the values of connecting their studies to community engagement and social change.  Attached is the RSVP application that you can mail in.  Please Mail RSVP & payment to: Latino and Latina Roundtable 1460 E Holt Ave, Mailbox 144 Pomona, CA 91767 by March 20.  For questions, call at: (909) 480-6267 or e-mail at


Jose Zapata Calderon

President of the Latino and Latina Roundtable


Invitation to April 28th and April 29th Cesar Chavez Pilgrimage Events in Pomona

You are invited to the Cesar Chavez Pilgrimage events:


On Friday, April 28 at 4 PM at Cesar Chavez Park (2720 Barjud Ave.  in Pomona), there will be a memorial remembering the lives of Pablo “Chompo” Lopez and Blanca Mariscal.  The memorial will include a pot-luck (with everyone asked to bring a dish and drink), poetry, indigenous ceremony, drum circle, and speakers.  After, everyone will work on making flags and posters for the Pilgrimage March on Saturday.

On Saturday, April 29, beginning at 9:30 A. M., the pilgrimage march will begin at 9:30 a.m. at Pomona School District Education Center (800 S. Garey Ave.) with noted community speakers and followed with a pilgrimage march to Garey High School (321 W. Lexington Ave., Pomona, Ca).  A celebration and health fair will take place at Garey High Schoolfrom 11:00 AM – 2:30 PM (Open to the Public).

This is your invitation to the 15TH ANNUAL CESAR CHAVEZ PILGRIMAGE MARCH AND CELEBRATION, with the theme “A New Beginning: Sanctuary for All”



What: 15th Annual Cesar Chavez Pilgrimage, with a program of speakers, live music and food

When: Saturday, April 29, 2017; 9:30 a.m. – 2:30 PM

Where: starting at 9:30 a.m. at Pomona School District Education Center (800 S. Garey Ave.) with noted community speakers and followed with a pilgrimage walk to Garey High School (321 W. Lexington Ave., Pomona, Ca).  Acelebration and health fair will take place at Garey High Schoolfrom 11:00 AM – 2:30 PM (Open to the Public).

 (Pomona, CA) – A coalition of local leaders, parents, students, teachers, and community groups will honor civil rights leader Cesar Chavez with the 15th Annual Community Pilgrimage, commemorating the pilgrimages that Chavez led to highlight the issues of social justice in our diverse communities. The pilgrimage honors the birthday of Cesar Chavez on March 31 and also the day he passed away, on April 23, as part of continuing a legacy of advancing human rights,  peace, and social justice in the region.  The primary Pilgrimage march theme “Sanctuary for All” focuses on defending the rights of immigrant families and ensuring the protection of rights of all targeted groups at this time. Anthony Chavez, grandson of Cesar Chavez and with the Cesar Chavez Foundation, will be one of the speakers and help lead the march and festival.  As in previous years, a ceremony at 9:30 A. M. in front of the PUSD Administrative Offices, will include elder leaders from the community who will honor a 300-year old tree, symbolizing respect for our elders and the sacredness of the environment (including PUSD Superintendent Richard Martinez, School Board member Roberta Perlman, Bishop Herbert Wilkins, Pomona Mayor Tim Sandoval, NAACP leader Jeanette Royston, Tony Cerda from the Ohlone Tribe, and Mohammed Zafarullah from the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community).   After, a pilgrimage walk, led by Danza Grupo Toyaacan, will make its way to Garey High School where a small tree will be planted and various speakers will speak on the importance of ensuring the development of our future young leaders (including Los Angeles County Supervisor Hilda Solis, Cesar Chavez’s grandson Andres Chavez, Garey High School principal Stacey Wilkins, students Melanie Andreok, Lizette Merino de la Concha, Vanessa Pavon, and scholarship winners  Marleni Munguia and Ulysses Marquez (Garey High School) and Olga Gudino and Adam Castaneda (Pomona High School).

The entertainment will include the Son Real Band, Danza Azteca Toyaacan, Le Chic Filipino Dance Group,Ballet Foklklorico No Te Rajes, Singer Manuel Castellejo; Slam Poetry of Alejandro  and Fabian.  Food will be available for purchase with all the proceeds going to student scholarships.

Sponsors include: Latino/Latina Roundtable; Pomona Unified School District, PUSD Parents, University of LaVerne, Danza Grupo Toyacaacan; Cal Poly Cesar Chavez Center for Higher Education; Garey High School M. E. C. H. A.; Mount Sac  M. E. C. H. A., Cal Poly M. E. C. H. A.; NAACP, Pomona Valley Branch 1085B,  IDEAS, NAACP, National Council of Negro Women, Encuentros Organization, Rural and Urban Social Movements class, Pitzer College Latino Student Union, Pomona Economic Opportunity Center, Pomona Inland Valley Martin Luther King Jr. Project, UFCW 1428; UPWARD – Uniting Peach With Actions, Respect, and Dignity

Invitation to 15th Annual Cesar Chavez Pilgrimage March and Celebration – April 29th

This is your invitation to the 15TH ANNUAL CESAR CHAVEZ PILGRIMAGE MARCH AND CELEBRATION, with the theme “A New Beginning: Sanctuary for All”



What: 15th Annual Cesar Chavez Pilgrimage, with a program of speakers, live music and food

When: Saturday, April 29, 2017; 9:30 a.m. – 2:30 PM

Where: starting at 9:30 a.m. at Pomona School District Education Center (800 S. Garey Ave.) with noted community speakers and followed with a pilgrimage walk to Garey High School (321 W. Lexington Ave., Pomona, Ca).  Acelebration and health fair will take place at Garey High Schoolfrom 11:00 AM – 2:30 PM (Open to the Public).

 (Pomona, CA) – A coalition of local leaders, parents, students, teachers, and community groups will honor civil rights leader Cesar Chavez with the 15th Annual Community Pilgrimage, commemorating the pilgrimages that Chavez led to highlight the issues of social justice in our diverse communities. The pilgrimage honors the birthday of Cesar Chavez on March 31 and also the day he passed away, on April 23, as part of continuing a legacy of advancing human rights,  peace, and social justice in the region.  The primary Pilgrimage march theme “Sanctuary for All” focuses on defending the rights of immigrant families and ensuring the protection of rights of all targeted groups at this time. Anthony Chavez, grandson of Cesar Chavez and with the Cesar Chavez Foundation, will be one of the speakers and help lead the march and festival.  As in previous years, a ceremony at 9:30 A. M. in front of the PUSD Administrative Offices, will include elder leaders from the community who will honor a 300-year old tree, symbolizing respect for our elders and the sacredness of the environment (including PUSD Superintendent Richard Martinez, School Board member Roberta Perlman, Bishop Herbert Wilkins, Pomona Mayor Tim Sandoval, NAACP leader Jeanette Royston, Tony Cerda from the Ohlone Tribe, and Mohammed Zafarullah from the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community).   After, a pilgrimage walk, led by Danza Grupo Toyaacan, will make its way to Garey High School where a small tree will be planted and various speakers will speak on the importance of ensuring the development of our future young leaders (including Los Angeles County Supervisor Hilda Solis, Cesar Chavez’s grandson Andres Chavez, Garey High School principal Stacey Wilkins, students Melanie Andreok, Lizette Merino de la Concha, Vanessa Pavon, and scholarship winners  Marleni Munguia and Ulysses Marquez (Garey High School) and Olga Gudino and Adam Castaneda (Pomona High School).

The entertainment will include the Son Real Band, Danza Azteca Toyaacan, Le Chic Filipino Dance Group,Ballet Foklklorico No Te Rajes, Singer Manuel Castellejo; Slam Poetry of Alejandro  and Fabian.  Food will be available for purchase with all the proceeds going to student scholarships.

Sponsors include: Latino/Latina Roundtable; Pomona Unified School District, PUSD Parents, University of LaVerne, Danza Grupo Toyacaacan; Cal Poly Cesar Chavez Center for Higher Education; Garey High School M. E. C. H. A.; Mount Sac  M. E. C. H. A., Cal Poly M. E. C. H. A.; NAACP, Pomona Valley Branch 1085B,  IDEAS, NAACP, National Council of Negro Women, Encuentros Organization, Rural and Urban Social Movements class, Pitzer College Latino Student Union, Pomona Economic Opportunity Center, Pomona Inland Valley Martin Luther King Jr. Project, UFCW 1428; UPWARD – Uniting Peach With Actions, Respect, and Dignity

Invitation to celebration at Cesar Chavez Park this Saturday 1 – 4 PM

This is your invitation  (see attachment flyer in English and Spanish) to a pot-luck, mural restoration, clean-up, and celebration at Cesar Chavez Park (2720 Barjud Ave. in Pomona) this Saturday, November 19th from 1 – 4 PM.  We ask that everyone who attends bring a dish to share and something to drink.  Community artist Paul Botello will be restoring a couple of the murals at the park, we will do some minor clean-up, and we will celebrate the passage of Measure A to upgrade parks and build new ones in Los Angeles County.  The Measure includes a proposal to build a community center at Cesar Chavez Park and our gathering on Saturday will not only celebrate this part but also advance the need for advocacy efforts to ensure that the funds for the community center are allocated. 


Cesar Chavez Park Committee
