PCHMC healthcare workers, community leaders, and community members will be rallying outside PVHMC calling on their CEO to recognize SEIU-UHW. We will also have a small program starting at 12:00 Noon.
Category Archives: LLRT of San Gabriel
Latino/a Roundtable Mtg. in Fletcher 106 on Sat., Oct. 8
This is to let you know that the Latino and Latina Roundtable meeting will be in Fletcher 106 (not Broad Center 108) at Pitzer College (1050 N. Mills Ave.) in Claremont on Saturday, October 8 from 1 – 3 PM. Fletcher 106 is located Southeast from the Broad Center and there will be signs giving you directions. In addition to reports on the ongoing work of the organization on electoral, immigration, and education issues — the meeting will hold an informational session, led by Angela Sanbrano and Laura Santos, on some of the key initiatives that are on the November ballot.
Jose Zapata Calderon
President of the Latino and Latina Roundtable
Emeritus Professor of Sociology and Chicano/a and Latino/a Studies
1050 North Mills Avenue
Claremont, CA 91711-6101
(909) 952-1640
Website: www.josezcalderon.com
Pomona City Council Candidate’s Forum on Sept. 22
This is your reminder of the very important Pomona Mayor and City Council Candidate’s Forum at Pomona City Council Chambers (505 S. Garey Ave.) on Thursday, Sept. 22 (from 7 – 9 PM). There are a total of eleven candidates running in this election including two for the position of Mayor. All the candidates have confirmed that they will participate. The forum is sponsored by the League of Women Voters, the NAACP of the Pomona Valley, the Pomona Economic Opportunity Center and the Latino and Latina Roundtable of the San Gabriel Valley and Pomona Valley. Written questions will be taken from the audience at the venue. Spanish translation will be available.
Latino and Latina Roundtable Membership Mtg.
Please save the date: the next membership meeting of the Latino and Latina Roundtable will be on Saturday, August 13th from 1 -3 PM at the Pitzer College Broad Center Room 208 (1050 N. Mills ave.) in Claremont. The meeting will include reports and discussion on the newsletter, development of the website, summary of LRT Mixer, passage and implementation of SB-1050 pipeline legislation to higher education, passage of park restoration bill by county supervisors and on ballot, health-care-for all status, summary of press conference on Supreme Court Decision on DAPA, immigrant rights status and proposals, proposed forums on candidates and ballot initiatives, and any new business.
Jose Zapata Calderon
President of the Latino and Latina Roundtable
Emeritus Professor of Sociology and Chicano/a and Latino/a Studies
1050 North Mills Avenue
Claremont, CA 91711-6101
Inivtation to Latino/a Roundtable Mixer this Thursday in Pomona
The Organizational Development Committee will be hosting a mixer for Latino/a Roundtable members, family, and friends. Half the year has passed and much has happened. It is nice to take a break from our routine and meet up with old friends and make new friends.
We hope this space allows you to get to know each other as we build community. Hope to see you there!!
When: Thursday July 14th
Time: 5-7pm
Where: The Burger House
171 W. 2nd Street, Pomona, Ca
Attached is the flyer. If you have any other questions, please feel free to contact me.
Melissa Ayala
Invitation Get on Bus to HIlda Solis Reception and County Supervisor meeting
This is your invitation to join us on a bus that will leave at 10 A. M. from 1540 W. 2nd Street in Pomona for LRT Members and all those who want to support future funding for our parks. The bus will take us to a reception by Hilda Solis (before the county supervisor meeting at 11:30 A. M. on the 8th floor balcony in the Hall of Administration. Afterward, we will attend the County Supervisor meeting to support a park parcel tax which would help fund over 1,800 projects to improve and to build new parks. Included in the proposal is funding for Cesar Chavez park and other parks in the city of Pomona and the region.
Hilda Solis Field Office Grand Opening Clelebration this Saturday
This is your reminder that the Latino and Latina Roundtable will have a table at the Hilda Solis opening this Saturday. We will distribute our brochure, voter registration information, membership applications, etc.. Melissa, Maura, I, and Claudia have agreed to be there to set-up the table at 8:30. The opening ceremony starts at 10 A. M. and we urge our Latino and Latina Roundtable members to participate. We are looking forward to seeing you there!
East San Gabriel Valley Field Office
Grand Opening Ceremony & Community Resource Fair
Saturday, June 25th, 2016
2245 N. Garey Avenue
Pomona, CA 91767
Arrival and Set-up 8:30 am – 9:30am
Parking is open and on a first come first serve basis
Tables will be assigned – Please check in at 2245 N. Garey
One table and two chairs under a canopy will be provided
Opening Ceremony 10:00am
Booths will be closed during ceremony and exhibitors asked to sit in audience
Resource Fair 11:00 am – 1:00 pm
Free lunch will be provided
Jose Zapata Calderon
Emeritus Professor of Sociology and Chicano/a and Latino/a Studies
Rain or Shine – Reminder We March on April 9th
Note: Rain or Shine, we will march and, should it be raining (where we cannot do the outdoor events), we will have an indoor place at Garey High School when we arrive.
Theme: Our Community Voice Matters -Vote With Our Feet and at the Ballot Box: Support Ethnic Studies, Immigrant Rights, Minimum Wage, and Funding for Education
What: 14th Annual Cesar Chavez Pilgrimage, with a program of speakers, live music and food
When: Saturday, April 9, 2016; 9:30 a.m. – 2:30 PM
Where: starting at 9:30 a.m. at Pomona School District Headquarters (800 S. Garey Ave.) with noted community speakers and followed with a pilgrimage walk to Garey High School (321 W. Lexington Ave., Pomona, Ca) where a celebration will take place from 11:00 AM – 2:00 PM (Open to the Public).
Starting at 9:30 A. M. at Pomona School District Headquarters (800 S. Garey Ave.) at the site of a 300-year-old tree to celebrate and listen to speakers who represent the wisdom of the elders on some of the issues affecting our communities. Followed by a march led by Danza Grupo Toyaacan to Garey High School where a young tree will be planted and where youth speakers will share words on the issues affecting them. A snake dance, afterward, involving everyone, will brings together the diverse generations in a snake dance symbolizing the unity that is needed between the various generations in overcoming obstacles to advance a more just and equal society.
(Pomona, CA) – A coalition of local leaders, parents, students, teachers, and community groups will honor civil rights leader Cesar Chavez with the 14th Annual Community Pilgrimage, commemorating the pilgrimages that Chavez led to highlight the issues of social justice in our diverse communities. The pilgrimage honors the birthday of Cesar Chavez on March 31 and also the day he passed away, on April 23, as part of continuing a legacy of advancing human rights, peace, and social justice in the region. As in previous years, a ceremony at 9:30 A. M. in front of the PUSD Administrative Offices, will include elder leaders from the community who will honor a 300-year old tree, symbolizing respect for our elders and the sacredness of the environment (including PUSD Superintendent Richard Martinez, Bishop Herbert Wilkins, Jeanette Royston from the NAACP, Tony Cerda from the Ohlone Tribe, and Angela Sanbrano from the Latino/a Roundtable). After, a pilgrimage walk will make its way to Garey High School where a small tree will be planted and various speakers will speak on the importance of ensuring the development of our future leaders, our young people (including Cesar Chavez’s grandson Andres Chavez, Garey High School principal Stacey Wilkins, Garey High School Stand-out Karina Aguilar, and Mt. Sac Student Government leaders Fabian Pavon and Alejandro Juarez. Scholarships will be presented to students who best represent the principles and values of community engagement. The entertainment will include the Son Real Band, Danza Azteca Toyaacan, Le Chic Filipino Dance Group, VOM Dance Group , Singer Paola La Portanguila, and Lincoln High Ballet Folklorico. Food will be available for purchase with all the proceeds going to student scholarships.
Sponsors: Latino/Latina Roundtable; Pomona Unified School District, PUSD Parents, University of LaVerne, Cal Poly Cesar Chavez Center for Higher Education; Mount Sac Associated Students; Culture Shock Club, Psychology Club, M. E. C. H. A., D. B. A. Club, BSU Club, CSULB: Lambda That Phi Ltin Fraternity; Mote Vista UU Congregation, Senator Connie M. Leyva, Frank Guzman, Cardenas, La Cachanilla, NAACP, Pomona Valley Branch 1085B, IDEAS, NAACP, National Council of Negro Women, Encuentros Organization, Rural and Urban Social Movements class, Pitzer Latino Student Union, Pomona Economic Opportunity Center, Pomona Inland Valley Martin Luther King Jr. Project, UFCW 1428, Fairplex, Pomona Premiere
Interested in being part of a LRT soccer team?
Kevin Kandamby, from the Encuentros and Latino Student Union at Pitzer, has requested whether anyone from the Latino and Latina Roundtable is interested in forming a soccer team to be part of a soccer tournament (involving day laborers in the area). The event will be held Sunday April 17th from 7:30 AM – 4 PM at the CMC Parents Field. The event is called Fútbol Es Vida [I.E. Strikes Back] Soccer Tournament. This will be the 3rd year the event will be held and it is a soccer tournament that invites community organization, day laborers, workers, unions, students, and community members for a day of solidarity, food, fun, music, and more! The registration fee is $50 dollars for a team of at least 10 players (more are welcome and encouraged). Shirts and food are included in the registration fee. All the proceeds made during the event will go towards the Inland Empire Immigrant Youth Coalition (IEIYC) DACA Scholarship Fund. Below is link to the Facebook event students have already made. Please send me an e-mail if you are interested in being part of a Latino and Latina Roundtable team. If we have enough players — we will register as a team. If not, we can work with the Latino Student Union as a team. Please get back to me right away if you are interested at: Jose_Calderon@Pitzer.edu
Jose Zapata Calderon