The Latino and Latina Roundtable invites our members and friends to
be part of a contingent in the Poor People’s Campaign March and Rally
this Saturday, June 23 from 11 am to 3 pm at the Civic Center of
Pomona (Mission and Garey) alongside the NAACP and other organizations.
As part of the theme “Pursuing Liberty in the Face of Injustice,” The
Latino and Latina Roundtable members will be particularly marching in
support of human rights for the immigrant children who have been
separated from their families and who, this administration has vowed
to continue to detain although public pressure has forced a change in
policy to somehow “keep families together” as part of still
implementing a “zero tolerance” policy. LRT members will be making
posters in support of these children and families (to carry in the march)
this Friday, June 22 at the Solidarity Center (at the Village (1444
from 12 noon until 2 PM if you are interested in
helping. ” The event includes booths, free food and drinks, – —
a March around 4 blocks — and short speeches focusing
on important issues being faced by our diverse communities.