On July 24th, undocumented members of Puente came out at the racial profiling trial of Sheriff Arpaio and were arrested in civil disobedience.
This summer, we are coming out of the shadows and getting on the bus. Our rights and our families are under attack and we’ve come too far to go back now.
Undocumented riders will come out publicly, support local people to build barrio defense, and perform peaceful civil disobedience to challenge the promoters of hate and set an example of love and fearlessness from Arizona to the Democratic National Convention in North Carolina.
Please click to donate for their bail fund.
You can get more info at www.NoPapersNoFear.org, also on facebook at: UnDocuBus
In Denver, you can contact Huy Ong of Jobs with Justice huy@jwj.org or Marco Nuñez of Centro Humanitario mnunez@centrohumanitario.org
In Austin, you can contact Sarahi Uribe at sarahi@ndlon.org