The word from Asm Fuentes office is COPA-SB901 has its 41 votes!!
We must now begin to call Senate offices. Use the same talking points that were sent to you for Assembly calls, just change to wording appropriate for addressing Senate offices. Emphasize that President Pro Tem of the Senate Darrel Steinberg is the author of SB901!
Below is the call list. Its also attached. Please give us a report after making your Senate calls. THE VOTE WILL BE TODAY!
Member Name Jobtitle Phone #
Alquist, Elaine Kontominas Senator District 13th 916-651-4013
Calderon, Ron Senator District 30th 916-651-4030
Corbett, Elen M. Senator District 10th 916-651-4010
Correa, Lou Senator District 34th 916-651-4034
de Leon, Kevin Senator District 22th 916-651-4022
deSaulnier, Mark Senator District 7th 916-651-4007
Evans. Noreen Senator District 2nd 916-651-4002
Hancock, Loni Senator District 9th 916-651-4009
Hernandez, Ed Senator District 24th 916-651-4026
Kehoe, Christine Senator District 39th 916-651-4039
Leno, Mark Senator District 3rd 916-651-4003
Lieu, Ted W. Senator District 28th 916-651-4028
Liu, Carol Senator District 21st 916 651-4021
Lowenthal, Alan Senator District 27th 916 651-4027
Negrete McLeod, Gloria Senator District 32nd 916 651-4032
Padilla, Alex Senator District 20th 916 651-4020
Pavley, Fran Senator District 23rd 916 651-4023
Price, Jr., Curren D. Senator District 26th 916 651-4026
Rubio, Michael J. Senator District 16th 916 651-4016
Simitian, S. Joseph Senator District 11th 916 651-4011
Steinberg, Darrell Senator District 6th 916 651-4006
Vargas, Juan Senator District 40th 916 651-4040
Wolk, Lois Senator District 5th 916 651-4005
Wright, Roderick D. Senator District 25th 916 651-4025
Yee, Leland Y. Senator District 8th 916 651-4008