Stop Marriott Developer from Cheating Austin

Stand with Austin Construction Workers!

Thursday August 8th at 5:45pm at Austin City Hall
E-mail City Council today!
White Lodging, the developer of the downtown Marriott, was required by City law to pay workers fair wages in return for $3.8 million in tax breaks, but they have been caught underpaying workers and breaking that promise.

However, White Lodging’s high-powered lobbyists are pushing City Council to re-write the law, so that they can get $3.8 million dollars in tax breaks without having to pay workers their fair wages. They’ve been caught cheating, and now they want to change the rules of the game!

On Thursday August 8th at 5:45 PM, City Council will reconsider their agreement with White Lodging. We need YOUR SUPPORT to tell Council to defend workers, not to defend back room deals with developers.

What you can do:

1. STAND WITH US on Thursday August 8th at 5:45pm at City Hall (301 W. 2nd Street). There is free parking in the City Hall garage.


Click here to email the Mayor and all council members a message like the following:

Dear Mayor Leffingwell and City Council,

I respectfully urge you to defend workers and taxpayers, not back room developer deals. City Staff has already ruled that White Lodging failed to pay workers wages in accordance with the law, and that they should repay the taxpayers. If the City gives in to White Lodging and re-writes the rules of the game, we allow this developer to get away with $3.8 million in tax dollars while breaking their promise to the men and women who are building our city.

The City of Austin has the opportunity to create good jobs by requiring common-sense protections for workers on projects that receive public money. However, Austin needs to hold developers accountable who don’t uphold their end of the bargain.

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