The coalitions that have developed over the years in the city of Pomona and the surrounding areas (Pomona Habla, the immigrant community of Pomona and the Inland Empire, allies, immigrant organizations, Pomona Economic Opportunity Center, Latino/Latina Round Table of the Pomona and San Gabriel Valleys, student groups, Justice for Immigrants Coalition) — have been in the leadership of changing city ordinances on checkpoints, working with legislators to allow anyone stopped without a driver’s license to call a friend or relative (who has a driver’s license) to pick up their car, sending contingents of community representatives to meet with legislators on support for AB-60 and the Trust Act, sending thousands of letters, petitions, and phone calls to Sacramento in ensuring the passage of these bills, and now holding a rally launching a campaign for a moratorium on vehicle impounds.
Immigrant-rights advocates seek vehicle-impound moratorium in Pomona.