A few weeks ago, a past student of mine suggested to some organizers of TEDX that I be contacted to do a presentation. They contacted me and, because of various circumstances (including a death in the family), I was only able to meet with …them once. However, I relied on some key transformational moments in my life to tell my story with little preparation. Those moments are shared here in the youtube presentation just sent to me. Those moments are very relevant — and connect very much to the reasons for our continued and annual organizing efforts that have included the annual visit to La Paz and Delano, the Cesar Chavez breakfast, the filling of a theatre with hundreds in Glendora to view the Cesar Chavez film, and the annual Cesar Chavez pilgrimage (that will take place on April 12th from Pomona Unified Central Offices (800 S. Garey Ave. at 9:30 A. M. to Garey High School for a festival from 11 -3). Thank you Jacqueline Legazcue, a former student, for sending the segment.
Below is a video of the TEDX Presentation: