Verdict is…. No indictment for Darren Wilson
The plan for today:
10:15- Walk out of your classes.
[Note: This is a suggestion from the student organizers, and I include it out of respect for their wishes. Personally, I will remain in class to support students in my courses who are giving in-class presentations.]
10:30- Meet at Honnold Mudd Library
-Sign Making
-Go over action plan
-Go over chants
10:50- Walk to Intersection of 6th and Dartmouth
-Block sidewalk so bikes have to slow down and pay attention to us
-Pass out flyers to passerbyers
-Try to recruit people to join us
-Raise awareness
-Butcher paper art pieces
If you are planning on walking out of your classroom we suggest that you gather some people in the class to walk out with you as well. Before you leave say something about why you are leaving. Here is an example of what you could say: “I am walking out of class right now in resistance to police brutality and the decision made in Ferguson yesterday to not indict Darren Wilson, the policeman who killed Mike Brown. I invite you to join me.”
Please Bring if you can:
Here are really important talking points to go over to get clear about the facts. We will also have these printed and available to you tomorrow.
Here is the list of chants.
The Claremont Courier, The Peel, and The Student Life are all planning on covering the action. Please reach out to any other media that you see fit.
Bring your friends, bring your dog, bring your teachers, bring your staff buddies and just keep talking about it!