Column on Journalist/Organizer Ignacio Lopez and his Contributions in the Region

A column today by Jim Blalock in the Daily Bulletin on a piece of history on journalist and organizer Ignacio Lopez, for whom a school is named after in the Pomona School District.  It is an example of why we need Chican@, Latin@, Labor, Gender, and Ethnic Studies – to bring to center stage such individuals as Ignacio Lopez (who, like Felicita and Gonzalo Mendez, Roberto Alvarez, Ernesto Galarza, Gloria Anzaldua, Jessica Govea, Kenneth Clarke, Fred Korematzu, Chief Joseph, and so many others) are often left out of our history books. It is important to know that school boards in cities such as Pasadena, Santa Ana, Riverside, and Los Angeles, at one time, supported the segregation of Mexican students into so-called “Mexican schools” on the basis that they could not speak English and were not able to be assimilated or “Americanized.” Ignacio Lopez was an example of one who returned from college with a journalism degree and used his skills and abilities, not just to write and expose segregation, but to actively organize against all forms of discrimination. ?xml:namespace prefix = “o” ns = “urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office” /

Second column on civil rights journalist Ignacio Lopez

Second in a series of columns on journalist and organizer Ignacio Lopez, for whom a school is named after in the Pomona School District.  He was an example of one who used his writing skills and abilities to fight segregation — someone who returned from college to his community — to develop a newspaper — and to, not just write about and to expose racism and discrimination — but to use his organizing skills to rally the communities in the region to change unjust laws and policies.

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