This is your invitation to the Latino and Latina Roundtable meeting this Saturday, October 10th from 1 – 3 PM at the Pitzer College Broad Center Performance
Space (1050 N. Mills Ave.) in Claremont. The performance space is located in the same building where we always meet – but on the first floor. The meeting will include updates on what is going on politically in our different areas of work and how the context presently connects to our development of the LRT organization, our work on community development, and our immigrant rights work. The new newsletter will be available. Also, on the agenda, will be the upcoming election of the board and officers (set for Saturday, November 14th).
Some dates to remember: dA Center and Latino/a Roundtable Aztlan exhibit Preview Opening this Friday, Oct. 9th at 5:30 PM; Huerta Del Valle First Garden Gala, 6-10PM in Ontario; Unity in the Community (includes LRT) film “Chicano Park” on Oct. 16th at Salon Bellas de Artes (244 S. Garey Ave. in Pomona: Inland Empire Immigrant Youth Coalition Fundraiser on Oct. 17th, 5-9 PM at 1855 E. Riverside in Ontario; Civil Rights Legacy Awards (LRT Immigrant Rights Comm. being honored) on Oct. 22 at 6 PM at Pomona Ebell Museum; Forum and Book Signing “Lessons from an Activist Intellectual” on Nov. 7th at 7 PM at dA center; LRT board and officer elections on Sat., Nov. 14th; Teatro Urbano Play “Detective Sanchez on Nov. 13th and 14th at 8 PM at dA center; LRT Holiday Pot-Luck on Dec. 9th.