As a member of the Latino and Latina Roundtable, it is important for you to participate and help make decisions that affect our organization. This next Saturday, October 9 at 1 PM, we are requesting that you join us in a virtual meeting to help nominate members for the seven at-large positions that are open. These are two-year appointments. Attached is the agenda for the Latino and Latina Roundtable meeting on Saturday, October 9 at 1 pm. Below is the zoom link for the meeting.
Our membership meeting is this Saturday at 1:00 pm. Latino and Latina Roundtable Org. is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: LRT Membership Meeting
Time: Oct 9, 2021 01:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 821 4475 6142
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Meeting ID: 821 4475 6142