Hi Latino/a Roundtable Member,
This is your invitation (as a member) to join our Latino and Latina Roundtable meeting this Saturday, November 20th at 1 PM to help in the selection of seven at-large positions for our board. As you know, we are a very democratic organization that relies on the participation of our board members and this election is an opportunity for you, as a member, to select the seven at-large members to our board (that will serve for two years). Our organization is developing with a director, beginning staff, office, and committees (college for all, immigrant rights, ethnic studies, new economy, and organizational well-being). The board members are expected to meet on a monthly basis, to be part of one of the committees, to support the sustainability of the organization, and to carry out the community-based mission and values of the LRT. This does take a strong commitment to the organization and to our communities and I am hoping that you will take the time to connect in on Saturday and be part of the democratic process in selecting the at-large members to the board. Please let me know if you can join in and also if you have any questions.
Here is the zoom link for the Saturday meeting: https://us06web.zoom.us/j83898150238