Hello LRT Members and Friends,
As we kick off the season of giving, we want to take a moment to thank you for your support. We know that so many of you love the Latino and Latina Roundtable and appreciate the work we do together. Please support our Giving Tuesday Fundraiser http://bit.ly/LRTGivingTuesday . Your gift, in any amount, helps build the capacity of the organization and support our programs and events. Please donate any amount that you are comfortable with and is heartfelt. If you cannot donate at this time, we understand, and ask that you please assist us by resharing on social media or send to a friend.
Con agradecimiento,
LRT Team and Board of Directors

These are the links to donate.
or send via Venmo or Paypal
Paypal: paypal.me/latinoroundtable
Venmo: LatinoandLatina-Roundtable