Latino and Latina Roundtable 18th Annual Cesar Chavez Breakfast and Ethnic Studies Forum

Dear LRT Members, 

Please join us for the 18th Annual Cesar Chavez Breakfast scheduled for March 25th 2022 at 9:00 am. We will be having a virtual celebration and honoring amazing community leaders and awarding scholarships to students working to uplift their communities. 

You can purchase tickets at this Eventbrite Link: 

The Breakfast is being held on Friday, March 25, 2022, beginning at 9 AM. Because of the continuing conditions with omicron, we have decided to hold a virtual event once again

This year’s honorees are –

Nora Garcia, Councilmember, City of Pomona 

Dr. Daniel Loera, Director of Multicultural Affairs at University of LaVerne

Dr. Krystana Walks-Harper, Pomona Unified Assistant Superintendent of Pupil and Community Services

Rosa Martha Zarate, Organizer, singer-songwriter, and co-author of Our Grandfathers Were Bracero 

Community Star Award recipients: Ignacio “Nacho” Montes and Rosemary Rodriguez


You can purchase tickets at this Eventbrite Link: 

Attached you will find the RSVP Form (make checks payable to Latino/a Roundtable).  

To access our newsletter, Social Justice Scholarship application, and the work of our various committees, visit our website at: 

Please support Ethnic Studies – You are invited to join this webinar scheduled for 2/12/2022, below is the link to register : 


This interactive educator and student panel is to engage in discourse about the power of Black Studies to transform education year long – beyond Black History Month.


* Erika Lynn Jones

* Estella Afi Owoimaha-Church

* Ndindi Kitonga

* Alphonso Thompson


* Taunya Jaco

February 12, 2022

10am-12pm PST



Sponsorships_Tickets- Cesar Chavez Breakfast RSVP 2022


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