Dear LRT Members and friends,
Happy Wednesday (middle of the week)!
1. Buy your tickets to the 18th Annual Cesar Chavez Breakfast! This is our main fundraiser that supports the Latino and Latina Roundtable’s organizing work in the community. We also celebrate and honor the people that make our communities better and award scholarships to local youth!

2. Join us every Wednesday evening for En Confianza at a new day and time. En CONFIANZA, season II,starts today. Join us every wednesday from February to June at 5:30 PM via FB Live. In this virtual space, created with Spanish speakers in mind, we discuss our community concerns, share upcoming projects and resources that LRT and other community organizations are working on! See you there. ¡Nos vemos pronto!

3. Ethnic Studies Updates & upcoming webinar-
LRT Ethnic Studies Working Committee
Join the effort to implement ethnic studies in our local schools-
2/25/22 12:00pm – 1:00pm via
In Lak’ech
Join us for an institute on In Lak’ech, Ashe, Isang Bagsak and why they are fundamentally good educational practices. Please read today’s Op-Ed in the LA Times on the erasure of InLak’Ech and Ashe in the state’s Ethnic Studies Curriculum. Read the Op-Ed atLA TIMES
Join us for an institute on In Lak’ech, Ashe, Isang Bagsak and why they are fundamentally good educational practices. Please read today’s Op-Ed in the LA Times on the erasure of InLak’Ech and Ashe in the state’s Ethnic Studies Curriculum. Read the Op-Ed atLA TIMES
February 26, 2022
Insight & recommendations
Pomona Education Coalition (PEC) (LRT is a member of this coalition), supports Professional Development in order to build the capacity of current teachers at PUSD. In order to have an effective Ethnic Studies program, experts in the field of Ethnic Studies need to be the ones teaching the Ethnic Studies courses.The PEC recommends that PUSD receive Ethnic Studies Teacher training from the following professional organizations: