
LRT Membership Meeting Saturday 5/22/2021 1-3 pm on Zoom

Hi LRT Members,

It’s time again for our membership meeting. Here are the details below-
Saturday May 22nd 2021
1-3 pm via zoom
Please let me know if you have any questions,
(909) 480-6267
Roundtable is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: LRT Membership Meeting – May 2021
Time: May 22, 2021 01:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 929 3125 5650
Passcode: 202

Immigration Committee Meeting Saturday at 1 pm

Hi Everyone,

This meeting will be in Spanish to update our community on legislative updates and other matters pertaining to immigration.  We will have a meeting at a later date that is bilingual. Please invite others.

Hola Familia de LRT!

 Les invitamos a nuestra reunión virtual con nuestro comité de inmigración este sábado 17 de abril a la 1:00 PM donde Hablaremos de las Propuestas Migratorias de Ley y del Fairplex de Pomona sirviendo como un sitio de admisión de emergencia para albergar temporalmente a los menores no  acompañados que llegan a la frontera surfer Estados Unidos.  Solo de click en el siguiente enlace:

 Comparta la información por favor, los esperamos.  Esta será reunión en español.



Hello LRT Family! We invite you to our virtual meeting with our immigration committee this Saturday, April 17 at 1:00 PM where we will discuss the Immigration Bills for 2021 and the Pomona Fairplex serving as an emergency admission site to temporarily house unaccompanied minors that arrive at the southern border.

Just click on the following link:

Share the information please, we look forward to seeing you.

In solidarity, 

LRT team

Invitation to LRT Membership election meeting on election of LRT officers and Discussion on National Presidential Elections

This is your invitation to the Latino and Latina Roundtable membership meeting online this Saturday, November 21 at 1 P. M. (the zoom link is below) .  Only those members who are in good standing (who have completed an application and paid their dues before Oct. 16, 2020) are being invited to this meeting. We need your participation to this meeting for the purpose of electing four members that have been nominated for the LRT officer positions.  Those nominated for the four positions include:
President:  Jose Calderon;
Vice-President:  Angela Sanbrano;
Secretary: Alicia Rodriguez; and
Treasurer: Rose Calderon.
John Nolte was nominated for Secretary but has decided to withdraw.  As per our by-laws, the LRT election needs to have a quorum of 25% of the members – so it is important that you participate in this meeting.  After the election of the officers, the LRT will hold a discussion on “The Results of the National Presidential Election and the Road Ahead.”  We look forward to seeing you on November 21st.
Jose Zapata Calderon
President of the Latino and Latina Roundtable

October 17 LRT membership meeting including LRT officer nominations

To:  Members of the Latino and Latina Roundtable

This is a reminder that the next Latino and Latina Roundtable meeting will be on Saturday, October 17 at 1 PM.  The meeting will prioritize the nomination of candidates for the four officer positions but also include summaries and reports from our ongoing work.

Nominations will take place at this Virtual General Membership Meeting scheduled for Saturday, October 17th at 1 PM.  If you are interested in running for one of the four positions or you want to nominate someone, you must be part of the membership meeting on October 17thAt this meeting, the person nominating (or self-nominating) should be prepared to make a presentation (no longer than 3 minutes) about the person being nominated, their qualifications, and why you are nominating (or self-nominating) the person for the position. 

After the nominations are made on October 17, as per our by-laws, the Latino and Latina Roundtable will be holding a special membership meeting the following month on Saturday, November 21 (at 1 PM) to elect the four board officer positions (President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer) to serve on the board for the next two years. 

Membership Meeting this Saturday August 15th 1-3 pm

Hi LRT Members,

Please join us this Saturday for a members’ meeting on Zoom!
When: Saturday August 15th
Time:  1- 3 pm. 
Where: Zoom (link ) 
Join Zoom Meeting
AGENDA ITEMS: reports from our work, upcoming information about the Cesar Chavez Breakfast and virtual fundraiser set for September 25th at 9:00 am, and a summary of  the recent Roundtable Academy discussion on Ethnic Studies.
Jose Calderon is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: LRT Membership Meeting
Time: Aug 15, 2020 01:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 992 8330 6540
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Meeting ID: 992 8330 6540
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Please let us know if you have questions or need assistance in joining the zoom. (909) 480-6267.