Category Archives: culture

Invitation from PEOC for Event on Wednesday at Day Labor Center

Sé le invita a toda la comunidad!

2 de noviembre de 9 AM – 10:30 AM a celebrar el Día de los Muertos en el Centro Jornalero de Pomona.

Estan bienvenidos a traer flores y fotos de sus seres queridos que han fallecido para ser parte del altar. Tamales, pan de muerto, champurrado serán ofrecidos a los que participen.

Favor de acompáñanos!

Invitation to the community at large

November 2nd from 9 AM to 10:30 AM to celebrate the Day of the Dead in Pomona Day Labor Center.

You are welcome to bring flowers and photos of loved ones who have passed away to be part of the altar. Tamales, pan de muerto, champurrado will be offered to participants.

Please join us!

Facebook Event here

Fernando Romero

Executive Director, Pomona Economic Opportunity Center

1682 W. Mission Blvd. Pomona, CA 91766

Tel: (909) 397 4215

Fax: (909) 622 9880


Invitation to three plays directed by Alma Martinez

Don’t miss —

Tres Actos: 

The Militants, Vietnam Campesino & Los Vendidos

The University of La Verne Department of Theatre Arts presents three plays by internationally renowned playwright, theatre and film director Luis Valdez (Zoot Suit, La Bamba). Directed by Artist-in-Residence Alma Martinez, Tres Actos: The Militants, Vietnam Campesino & Los Vendidos performances run November 10, 11, 12 at 7:30pm, November 17, 18, 19 at 7:30pm, and November 20 at 2pm in the Dailey Theatre located on the main campus at 1950 3rd St. 

La Verne, CA 91750.

The “actos,” or short plays, were first performed by Valdez’s theatre company, El Teatro Campesino. He founded the company in 1965 in the heat of the United Farmworkers union’s struggle to secure basic labor and human rights for the most vulnerable of the U.S. labor force. These “actos”, that are now classics of American agitprop theater, were performed by striking farm workers on picket lines, flatbed trucks, and at pivotal historic events such as the 1965 Delano Grape Strike and the 1966 United Farmworker Union’s march to Sacramento.

Suggested donation is $5 for students, $10 for staff, senior citizens and alumni, and $12 for general admission. Reservations can be made through Eventbrite at: 

For more information go to (909), or visit the La Verne Theatre website at


Thuy Tran (Angela)

Publicity and Marketing Manager

Theatre Arts Department

University of La Verne

Presentation by Renowned Artist Paul Botello

This is your invitation to a Gallery Talk Presentation by Renowned Activist/Artist Paul Botello on Saturday, November 21, 2015 at 5 pm at the dA Center for the Arts (252 D South Main Street) in Pomona.

Paul has murals all over LA County including Pitzer College, Cesar Chavez Park and Pomona Day Labor Center in Pomona, and Vina Danks School in Ontario.  PAUL BOTELLO was born and raised in East Los Angeles. He earned a BA and an MFA from Cal State University, Los Angeles, teaches art in the LAUSD school system and taught at the Claremont Colleges. In 1994 he traveled to Berlin, Germany where he collaborated on a giant mural titled “Global Chessboard.” Other recently completed murals include “Citizens of the World” at Esperanza School, and “In Unison” at the Maravilla Housing Facility. He also completed a large-scale mural on the Metro Gold Line construction fence that was located at First Street and Soto. Portions of the mural can now be found at the Pueblo del Sol Community Center in East Los Angeles. Botello lives and works in East Los Angeles, and exhibits his work in Los Angeles and abroad.  He is a font of knowledge for the subject of art and activism.

Please join us for Paul’s Presentation and the Closing Aztlan Exhibit Reception between 6 – 8 pm

dA Center for the Arts and the Latino and Latina Roundtable of the San Gabriel Valley and Pomona Valley


Your Invitation to Renowned Teatro Urbano on Friday and Saturday in Pomona

This is your personal invitation to the Renowned Teatro Urbano at dA Center in Pomona this Friday and Saturday at 8 pm. A small donation is asked for – but only if you have it. The important aspect is to invite your friends and come out to support this Teatro that has been giving their artistic talent back to the community for decades. Now, all they are asking – is take a few hours of your time to appreciate their creation.

Teatro Urbano presents

Detective Sanchez: The Ortiz Case

November 13 and 14th at 8 PM

Tickets $15 if you can. $12 for seniors, students, & Pomona Residents

“Los Angeles in the 1950’s was a smog filled city, but there was an air of innocence…”

Those are the words that open the Chicano Detective story. “Detective Sanchez, The Ortiz Case” written by Rene Rodriguez and Produced by Rosemary Soto Rodriguez and Ricardo Lopez.

The play opens to the sound of the Blues with a narration that sets the mood and rhythm by Raul Lopez, a onetime middle weight contender, who owns and operates, La Mecca, a bar in Boyle Heights.

Lopez quickly begins to tell the story of his friend and drinking buddy, Rudy Sanchez, or better known in the barrios of Los Angeles, Detective Sanchez. In the hot summer of 1950, Lopez defends a woman with a problem. Her son, Chuy Ortiz has been accused of murder. Sanchez has to prove the innocence of this young man, but one problem Sanchez is a drunk…le gustaba la borachara, as Lopez points out.

Support Theatre in Pomona !

Jose Zapata Calderon

Emeritus Professor of Sociology and Chicano/a and Latino/a Studies

1050 North Mills Avenue

Claremont, CA 91711-6101

(909) 952-1640



Sunday’s Dia de Los Muertos event at dA Center in Pomona

Latina(o) Roundtable is excited to be partnering with the dA art gallery during their Aztlan exhibit: Desde el corazon de la mujer. Latina(o) Roundtable is helping to sponsor several events throughout the exhibit and we encourage our members and their friends and family to come out and join us for these festivities.

Continue reading

LRT Invitation to 2015 Aztlan exhibit events at dA Center for the Arts

The dA Center for the Arts is proud to present the 2015 Aztlan with their community pARTner Latino/a Round Table 
Working together to build a better Pomona

Join us please for more art experiences at the dA Community Celebration de los Muertos y los Vivos
November 1st, 2015 from 3-7pm 

 With much enthusiasm and excitement, the Latino and Latina Roundtable and dA, invite all to join us in an afternoon of celebration of our loved ones and role models who have passed and celebration of our lives.  The Community Celebration de los Muertos y los Vivos will include an interactive alter, crafts for the whole family, music, story sharing and food. We hope to teach each other through sharing about celebrating life, death, and family.   Please bring a picture or recuerdo (an item that symbolizes) of a loved one to add to the alter.  (All pictures and items will be returned).

Lessons from an Activist Intellectual by Jose Zapata Calderon, co-founder of the Latino/a Round Table
Forum and Book Signing
Saturday, November 7, 2015 at 7 pm Free 

This book provides examples of how an academician can combine the roles of teacher, researcher, and activist with a community-based critical pedagogy for democracy and empowerment.  This book discusses the interconnections made between José Calderón’s pedagogy and his history as an immigrant, student, social movement leader, researcher, professor, and community organizer. At the same time, it provides examples of an interactive, intercultural, and interdisciplinary pedagogy that involves both students and community participants as both teachers and learners in social change projects. This style of pedagogy has a particular salience for historically excluded individuals from diverse racial, class, gender, and sexual orientation backgrounds, for whom the educational experience can be both an alienating and empowering experience.


Teatro Urbano presents

Detective Sanchez: The Ortiz Case

Tickets $15 if you can. $12 for seniors, students, & Pomona Residents 


“Los Angeles in the 1950’s was a smog filled city, but there was an air of innocence…”
Those are the words that open the Chicano Detective story. “Detective Sanchez, The Ortiz Case” written by Rene Rodriguez and Produced by Rosemary Soto Rodriguez and Ricardo Lopez.

The play opens to the sound of the Blues with a narration that sets the mood and rhythm by Raul Lopez, a onetime middle weight contender, who owns and operates,  La Mecca, a bar in Boyle Heights.

Lopez quickly begins to tell the story of his friend and drinking buddy, Rudy Sanchez, or better known in the barrios of Los Angeles, Detective Sanchez. In the hot summer of 1950, Lopez defends a woman with a problem.  Her son, Chuy Ortiz has been accused of murder. Sanchez has to prove the innocence of this young man, but one problem Sanchez is a drunk…le gustaba la borachara, as Lopez points out.

Support Theatre in Pomona  !


November 21, 2015  5 pm  Free 


Gallery Talk with
Artist / Activist Paul Botello 

Paul has murals all over LA County including Pizter College and Ceasr Chavez Park in Pomona. He is a font of  knowledge for the subject of art and activism.
Please join us ! 

Closing Aztlan Reception 6 – 8 pm




Film and Speakers on “Fighting For Our Lives”

This Friday, September 18th (beginning with an introduction and pot-luck) at 6 PM at Bellas Artes Gallery (244 S Garey Ave, Pomona, California 91766), United Pomona Valley M.E.Ch.A. The Latino/a Roundtable of the San Gabriel Valley and Pomona Valley and the community will be showing an Oscar nominated portrayal of the UFW’s 1973 strike where grape workers making history by walking off the job from Coachella to Fresno to fight for a UFW contract. A moving testimony to the bravery of the farm workers in their non-violent struggle against police brutality on the picket lines. Our group Unity in the Community seeks to bring dialogue about historic issues that are still affecting us today. We will be watching this film and will have presenters who were part of the UFW and grape boycott – leaders Jerry Ryan and Roberto de la Cruz – discussing the film afterwards. Everyone is welcome.

This will be a potluck style event so bring something delicious to share, and don’t forget to bring your friends and family!