You are invited to a virtual presentation by Muralist and artist PAUL BOTELLO as part of my class, Rural and Social Movements, this next Wednesday, May 5 from 4 PM – 5:15 The zoom link is here (and below):
His presentation will include how he has used art as a means of raising consciousness about the contributions of our Mexican and Immigrant-origin communities and how art can be used to advance social movements and democratic spaces for change. Paul Botello was born and raised in East Los Angeles. He earned a BA and an MFA from Cal State University, Los Angeles. He teaches art in the LAUSD school system and has taught, in the past, at Pitzer College. In 1994 he traveled to Berlin, Germany where he collaborated on a giant mural titled “Global Chessboard.” Other recently completed murals include “Citizens of the World” at Esperanza School, and “In Unison” at the Maravilla Housing Facility. He also completed a large-scale mural on the Metro Gold Line construction fence that was located at First Street and Soto. Portions of the mural can now be found at the Pueblo del Sol Community Center in East Los Angeles. He has painted a number of murals in the Inland Empire region in collaboration with student and community participants including: five murals on the Pitzer campus, a mural at the Pomona Day Labor Center, one at Vina Danks school in Ontario, and five murals at Cesar Chavez Park in Pomona. Botello lives and works in East Los Angeles and exhibits his work locally, nationally, and internationally.
Jose Calderon is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: CHLT-153 Rural and Urban Social Movements class
Time: This is a recurring meeting Meet anytime
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Jose Zapata Calderon
Emeritus Professor of Sociology and Chicano/a and Latino/a Studies
1050 North Mills Avenue
Claremont, CA 91711-6101
(909) 952-1640