Category Archives: LLRT of San Gabriel

Cesar Chavez Honoree – Deadline extended until Sunday January 9th 12 pm

Hello LRT Members, 

Thank you for your submissions. Some of you have requested additional time to get your nominations in and therefore as a courtesy, the deadline has been extended until Sunday at noon. 

You still have time to nominate a community member who embodies and lives out the core values of Cesar Chavez- deadline has been extended until Sunday January 9th at noon-


Service to Others, Sacrifice, Preference to help the most in need and forgotten no matter how difficult the challenge,  Determination, Nonviolence, Acceptance of All People, Respect for Life and Environment, Celebrating Community, Knowledge, and Innovation 


Please include the name of the person(s) and your reasons why they are deserving of this honor. You can write your nomination in the body of an email or include it as an attachment.

The deadline is this Sunday, January 9th at noon. Send your nomination to and write honoree 2022 in the subject line. You will receive an email with confirmation from me. The LRT board reviews your nominations and selects the honorees. Honorees will be announced in late January 2022.


Latino and Latina Roundtable – Happy New Year!

Hello LRT Members,

I hope you are doing well and staying healthy. As we prepare to ring in the new year, here are some announcements.
The Cesar Chavez Breakfast is scheduled for March 25th 2022.  More details to come as to whether this event will be in person or virtual. In the meantime, please continue to send your nominations for honorees and encourage students to apply for the scholarship. The deadline for honorees is January 7th, 2022.
Please support the Latino and Latina Roundtable’s efforts by making an end of year gift/donation to the organization. All gifts (in any amount) are greatly appreciated. The latest newsletter highlights some of our areas of work in 2021 and projects for 2022.
Ways to donate online: (donate now button on the far right).


Venmo: LatinoandLatina-Roundtable

send a check:
Latino and Latina Roundtable
1460 E. Holt Avenue #144
Pomona, CA 91767
Another way to support the LRT is to renew your membership for 2022. You can renew your membership and pay dues through any of the ways described above.
Wishing you all a Happy New Year!

Latino and Latina Roundtable- Last Event for 2021!!!!

Hola LRT Family,

This is it!!! Join us this afternoon for our last event in 2021. We are co hosting a Community Posada with Day One Pomona and Lopez Urban Farm. We could not miss one last opportunity to celebrate with you and be in community!
Please join us starting at 4:00 pm for an afternoon of fresh air (bring a jacket), crafts, community resources, music, and food! We encourage you to stay after for El Puestecito, where you can find locally grown produce for your holiday table. Everyone is welcome. Todos son bienvenidos.
¡Felices Fiestas!

Latino/a Roundtable Announcements for December 20th-24th 2021

Hola LRT Friends and Members!

¡Felices fiestas! Many of you are already starting your well deserved winter breaks. Please join us for our last two events of the year. We are so grateful for each and everyone one of you. Please stay healthy and warm.
Scroll all the way down for the Save the Date for the Cesar Chavez Fundraiser Breakfast and also the Social Justice Scholarship. 

Continue reading

Announcements for Week of December 13th- December 18th, 2021

Hello LRT Members,

Hope you are all doing well. Here are some announcements for this week, please scroll down, lots of great information up until the end:

  1. We are gearing up for our Annual Cesar Chavez Breakfast, which takes place every March on his birthday. This will be the 18th Cesar Chavez Breakfast and we are asking you to please save the date for the morning of Friday March 25th 2022. For the past two years, we have done it virtually. This year, we hope we can do it in person. More details to follow.

At this time, we are asking our members to please nominate community leaders for this year’s honorees. Who do you think we should honor at this year’s breakfast?

Nominate a community leader who embodies and lives out the core values of Cesar Chavez by January 7th 2022-


Service to Others, Sacrifice, Preference to help the most in need and forgotten no matter how difficult the challenge,  Determination, Nonviolence, Acceptance of All People, Respect for Life and Environment, Celebrating Community, Knowledge, and Innovation 


Please include the name of the person and your reasons. You can write your nomination in the body of an email or include an attachment. Your nomination does not have to be long and the deadline is January 7th. The LRT board reviews your nominations and selects the honorees. The honorees will be announced in late January 2022 and highlighted at the breakfast.

Social Justice Scholarships – Please share with your networks. Every year we recognize local students who are doing their part. The application is open to all high school seniors and college/university students who are from the San Gabriel and Pomona Valley. The application is attached and you will be able to access it on our website soon- For more information, please call (909) 480-6267.

Events this week:

12/13/2021 – Clean Mobility Workshop and Yoga event at Tony Cerda Park. Join Clean Mobility Fellows, Liberated SOON and Jasmine Rocha for an afternoon of yoga in the park. Everyone is welcome and our instructor is able to provide modifications for various levels of mobility and flexibility. This is a bilingual space as well.  If it rains, we will host this workshop on zoom and share the link with you all. Stay tuned. 

12/14/2021 -Join us for our last En Confianza (via Facebook Live) for 2021. We will chat with our very own Angela Sanbrano. Angela is our Board Vice President and a powerhouse immigrant rights activist. Stop by Facebook at noon on Tuesday December 14th. En Confianza is a weekly space where we highlight resources and community leaders. En Confianza conversations are in Spanish and we hope to continue in 2022. Please share your feedback about En Confianza.  



Latino and Latina Roundtable announcements for December 7th-December 13th

Hello LRT Members,

Please join us for a Facebook Live and another episode of En Confianza today at noon. Simply visit the LRT page on Facebook at noon. Today’s guest is our very own Board President, Dr. Jose Calderon. En Confianza is a weekly chat in Spanish highlighting people and organizations from our community doing amazing work.


Our next Move and Breathe Event from our Clean Mobility team is next Monday, December 13th, 2021 starting at 2:30 pm @ Tony Cerda Park. Everyone is welcome to join. This event is fun and there is no cost to attend.

Cesar Chavez Breakfast 2022 & Social Justice Scholarship 

We are getting ready for the annual Cesar Chavez Breakfast. Two important components of the annual Cesar Chavez Breakfast are the honorees and the scholarship recipients. Attached you will find this year’s scholarship application. We will be sharing the process to nominate honorees for 2022 shortly. The scholarship deadline is March 1st 2022. Please share with your networks. 

The nonprofit CHERP, Inc. is conducting a survey on transportation in Pomona, with the aim of proposing clean options for getting around.  You might be eligible to receive a Mi Cafecito or Target gift card for completing the survey.

It’s really easy: just click below for your preferred language:




CHERP, Inc., una organización comunitaria sin ánimos de lucro, está realizando una encuesta sobre el transporte en Pomona. Si completa la encuesta puede ser elegible para una tarjeta de regalo a Mi Cafecito o para Target.

Es fácil: Para empezar, simplemente haga click y escoja el idioma que prefiere:




As always, please do not hesitate to contact us (909) 480-6267 or by email. 


Giving Tuesday 2021

Hello LRT Members and Friends,
As we kick off the season of giving, we want to take a moment to thank you for your support. We know that so many of you love the Latino and Latina Roundtable and appreciate the work we do together. Please support our Giving Tuesday Fundraiser . Your gift, in any amount, helps build the capacity of the organization and support our programs and events. Please donate any amount that you are comfortable with and is heartfelt. If you cannot donate at this time, we understand, and ask that you please assist us by resharing on social media or send to a friend.
Con agradecimiento,
LRT Team and Board of Directors
These are the links to donate.
or send via Venmo or Paypal


Venmo: LatinoandLatina-Roundtable

Latino and Latina Roundtable Updates for this week- November 22nd-27th 2021

Hello LRT Members,

Thank you to all of you who joined us last week for the clean mobility workshop at the park and everyone participated in the board members elections this past Saturday. We congratulate the board members and thank all the nominees. We will send a separate email with the names of this term’s LRT board members.
Please join us today ( Tuesday November 23rd) at noon on Facebook Live for En Confianza with LRT. We will connect with our colleagues at the PEOC
Upcoming Events:
November 30thLatino and Latina Roundtable Giving Tuesday Campaign
Support the Latino and Latina Roundtable on Giving Tuesday. Celebrate one of the most important giving days of the year. LRT, like many nonprofits, count on you for support! Your donations support our organization and help sustain the work. More information to follow.
November 30th- Ethnic Studies Forum
“Beyond Native American Heritage Month” moderated by Mary Levi
Melissa Moreno
Robert Levi
NOVEMBER 30, 2021
5:00-6:30 PM
Zoom ID: 876 0225 1784