Category Archives: LLRT of San Gabriel

LRT events with dA Center for the Artes – Aztlan 2015


Latino/a Roundtable is partnering with the dA Center for the Arts during the Aztlan 2015 Mujeres de Aztlan/Desde el Corazon de la Mujer.  We encourage our members, family and friends to join us for these events. Each event is special in that it allows us to celebrate our culture, honor our history/traditions, showcase local talent and appreciate our leaders. The Latino/a Roundtable believe in the power of art and art as a vehicle to further the work on education, justice and activism. Feel free to contact Melissa Ayala at or Amy Tam at with any questions around these events. All events will be held at:

dD Center for the Arts

252 S Main St, Pomona, CA 91766


Aztlan 2015 Mujers de Aztlan/Desde el Corazon de la Mujer

October 10 – November 21, 2105

Art Exhibit


Poetry Reading  – open mic

October 24 – evening

Guest poet – Madeline Rios


Dia De Los Muertos Event  “Community Celebration De Los Muertos Y Los Vivos”

Sunday, November 1 -3-7 pm

This event is to celebrate our loved ones and role models who have passed and to celebrate the lives of those living.  There will an interactive alter, crafts for the whole family, music, storytelling, dancing and food. We hope to teach each other through sharing/ celebrating life, death, and family.  Please bring a picture or recuerdo (an item that symbolizes) of a loved one to add to the community alter.  (All pictures and items will be returned). 


Lessons from an Intellectual Activist

Saturday, November 7, 2015      7-9 pm

Jose Z. Calderon will be making a presentation about his newly published book.  Book will be available for purchase.


Detective Sanchez (the Ortiz Case, a Chicano Mystery)

Friday Nov 13 and Saturday Nov 14 at 8PM  

The play is a Chicano mystery of the Ortiz case and is presented by the renowned Teatro Urbano.  Cost $15 per ticket (if you can), $12 for seniors, students and Pomona residents


LRT meeting on Saturday


This is your invitation to the Latino and Latina Roundtable meeting this Saturday, October 10th from 1 – 3 PM at the Pitzer College Broad Center Performance

Space (1050 N. Mills Ave.) in Claremont.  The performance space is located in the same building where we always meet – but on the first floor.  The meeting will include updates on what is going on politically in our different areas of work and how the context presently connects to our development of the LRT organization, our work on community development, and our immigrant rights work.  The new newsletter will be available.  Also, on the agenda, will be the upcoming election of the board and officers (set for Saturday, November 14th).

Some dates to remember:  dA Center and Latino/a Roundtable Aztlan exhibit Preview Opening this Friday, Oct. 9th at 5:30 PM; Huerta Del Valle First Garden Gala, 6-10PM in Ontario; Unity in the Community (includes LRT) film “Chicano Park” on Oct. 16th at Salon Bellas de Artes (244 S. Garey Ave. in Pomona: Inland Empire Immigrant Youth Coalition Fundraiser on Oct. 17th, 5-9 PM at 1855 E. Riverside in Ontario; Civil Rights Legacy Awards (LRT Immigrant Rights Comm. being honored) on Oct. 22 at 6 PM at Pomona Ebell Museum; Forum and Book Signing “Lessons from an Activist Intellectual” on Nov. 7th at 7 PM at dA center;  LRT board and officer elections on Sat., Nov. 14th; Teatro Urbano Play “Detective Sanchez on Nov. 13th and 14th at 8 PM at dA center; LRT Holiday Pot-Luck on Dec. 9th.


Community Forum on immigrant Rights

The Community Development Committee of the Latino and Latina Roundtable invites you to a forum on recent contemporary developments on immigrant rights issues – (including a Supreme Court case that will exclude immigrants from being counted in how Congressional districts are developed) —  and responses (including campaigns for the right of immigrants to vote, continued support for DACA/PACA, —  and what we can do to advance legalization efforts).   The forum, including presentations by  Angela Sanbrano, John Nolte, Jose Calderon, and Madeline Rios, will facilitate  discussion by all those attending on these issues and the road ahead.  ?xml:namespace prefix = “o” ns = “urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office” /

Community Forum:
Taxation Without Representation:
Non-Citizens, Immigrant Rights, and the Right to Vote 
Date:   Wednesday, August 5, 2015
Time:   7:00 p.m.
Place: Washington Park Community Center (865 E. Grand Ave. in Pomona)
Learn about:
·         The important victories that the immigrant community has achieved in the last few years;
·         How a right wing lawsuit is trying to destroy Latinos’ political influence;
·         What we can do to fight back!
Bring your friends. Babysitting will be provided.



Latino/a Mesa Redonda del Valle de Pomona

Presenta un

Foro Comunitario:

Impuestos Sin Representación: Los No-ciudadanos, los Derechos de los Inmigrantes, y el Derecho a Votar

Fecha:     Miércoles, 05 de agosto 2015

Tiempo:  7:00 p.m.

Lugar:     Centro Comunitario de Washington Park

Aprender acerca:

·      Las victorias importantes que la comunidad de inmigrantes ha logrado en los últimos años;

·      Cómo una demanda de la derecha está tratando de destruir la influencia política de los Latinos;

·      Lo que podemos hacer para luchar!

Trae a tus amigos. Se proporcionará niñera.

Latino and Latina Roundtable Membership Meeting

The Latino and Latina Roundtable membership meeting that will take place this Saturday, April 11, from 1 – 3 PM at the Pitzer College Broad Center Room 208 (1050 N. Mills Ave. in Claremont).  The meeting will include time for the committees to meet and summaries, updates, and discussions on the work of the various committees including: (but not limited to) a summary of the Cesar Chavez Breakfast, update on the Memorial at Cesar Chavez park remembering Blanca Mariscal set for April 17th and the Cesar Chavez Pilgrimage march and fiesta on April 18th, status of various clinics on DACA and DAPA, and the plans ahead.   


Latino and Latina Roundtable Board

E-mails Coming in lauding LRT and Breakfast

Below are some e-mails that have come in lauding the work of the LRT and the breakfast.  It is important for all the people who worked behind the scenes (especially) to know that this work is having a big impact in creating substantial change in our communities.  We should celebrate at our Membership meeting on Saturday, April 11th, between 1 and 3 PM, at Pitzer College Broad Center Room 212 (1050 N. Mills Ave. in Claremont).



From: Stephanie Lee []
Sent: Friday, March 27, 2015 2:55 PM
To: Jose Calderon
Subject: Re: Invitation to the Latino/a Roundtable Cesar Chavez Breakfast
Dr. Calderon,
I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for inviting me to your fabulous Latin@ Round Table César Chávez breakfast! From the moment I sat down, I felt at home (coincidentally next to a kind Unitarian Universalist minister – rare to randomly meet someone of my own uncommon denomination).
Please tell the planning committee that:
  • the music was amazing – I could have listened to that trio all day
  • the speakers were inspirational and genuine – I particularly loved the united parents from the Pomona schools (when you spoke about the woman organizing from her death bed, I got choked up with you)
  • the kind servers were able to accommodate my vegan meal request + the salsa was fresh and quite yummy (unusual for a large gathering)!
  • the silent auction items were lovely – I can home with two! (signed Dolores Huerta print and the Jessie De la Cruz book by Gary Soto)
I know the professional photos will be arriving soon – but here are a few from my cell phone just for starters – estoy muy agradecida por la invitación al desayuno y por el apoyo que nos ha brindado.
stephanie nicole lee


From: Eddie Marquez []
Sent: Wednesday, April 01, 2015 9:44 AM
To: Jose Calderon
Subject: Re: Articulo en Unidos: Dirigentes Locales Reciben Reconocimiento en Desayuno Cesar Chavez
Professor Calderon,
El trabajo que han hecho y siguen haciendo el Latino(a) Round Table ya esta impactando nuestra communidad. 
El sistema Cal State desde 2012 los Latinos son la mayoria de la poblacion.  En Cal Poly Pomona 33%, Cal State Fullerton 37%,
Channel Islands 29% etc.
Cuando yo fui a UC Riverside en 1996 eramos 14% hoy en dia estamos casi a 30% de la poblacion.
Me recuerdo cuando usted hablo y nos conto de su experiencia en Colorado donde habia menos de 10 estudiantes Latinos.
Felicdades en el trabajo que ha construido y los triunfos que vienen.
Con mucho respeto, 
Eddie Marquez

Become a Member of the Latino and Latina Roundtable

As you know, our organization is completely made up of volunteers who devote their time to create forward-looking change for our communities.  As part of the foundation of our organization are the many supporters who participate in our events or send e-mails and letters of support.  We realize that some of you do not live in the area but we are sending this message requesting your support by becoming a member supporter of our organization.   Attached is a 2015 membership form and a copy of our annual newsletter recapping our 2014 activities and successes.

If you are in the area, we invite you to our Annual Membership Retreat for all dues-paid members set for Saturday, February 14, 2015 at the Pitzer College Broad Center Room 208 (1050 N. Mills ave. in Claremont) from 9 A. M. to 4 P. M. (with a complimentary lunch)

We also invite you to our Annual Cesar Chavez Breakfast which will be held, Friday, March 27, 2015 at the Sheraton Hotel in Pomona. 

Our organization’s success is in large part due to its membership and the annual commitment to working for our local communities.  Please fill out and return your updated membership form with dues.  We sincerely thank you for all you do and contribute.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact  Amy Tam at 626-347-7121/ or Rose Calderon at

PDF of our newsletter: 2014 newsletter lrt Official

PDF of our membership application: 2015 LRT MembershipApplication.14