The Latino and Latina Roundtable membership meeting will take place this Saturday, December 13th, beginning from 1 – 4 PM with a pot-luck at the Pitzer Broad Center (1050 N. Mills Ave. in Claremont). The pot-luck, organized by the organizational committee “will include a potluck and time for us to catch up to celebrate this year’s accomplishments in addition to our general forum on current events, local actions and organizing efforts.” Continue reading
Category Archives: LLRT of San Gabriel
Latin@ Roundtable 2015 Scholarship Application
To Members and Friends of the Latino and Latina Roundtable,
Attached is the 2015 Scholarship Application. Please forward to your contacts, particularly those who might qualify. This scholarship is presented, and the recipients are honored, at our annual Cesar Chavez Fundraising breakfast. Continue reading
Latino and Latina Roundtable Meeting this Sat., Oct. 18th
This is your invitation to participate in the development of plans and actions in the coming months of the Latino and Latina Roundtable this Saturday, October 18th between 1 and 3 PM at the Pitzer College Broad Center Room 208 (1050 N. Mills Ave. in Claremont). We will discuss the latest updates and develop plans on the elections, forums (driver’s licenses, Matricula, and DACA), immigration rights developments, organization development, Park committee progress, and coordinator position process. Please invite others who may be interested in joining and participating.
Reminder: Invitation to LRT Membership Meeting
You are invited to the membership meeting of the Latino and Latina Roundtable on Saturday, April 26th, from 1 – 3, at the Broad Center Room 208 at Pitzer College (1050 N. Mills Ave. in Claremont). The meeting will include a summary of the Cesar Chavez Breakfast, the Cesar Chavez Pilgrimage, updates on the stop vehicle impoundments campaign, follow-up on driver’s license implementation, plans for membership socials, committee reports, and implementation of plans from the retreat. If you have friends that are interested in joining the Latino and Latina Roundtable, this is the opportunity to invite them.
LRT Membership Retreat on Sat., Feb. 15
This is your invitation to the annual Latino and Latina Roundtable membership retreat to be held on Saturday, February 15th, 2014 from 9:30 – 5 PM at the Pitzer College Fletcher Room 210 (1050 N. Mills Ave) in Claremont, CA. Continue reading
LRT Social Justice Scholarship Application Due March 1st
The Latina and Latino Roundtable is pleased to announce they are accepting applications for their 2014 Social Justice Scholarship. 2-4 recipients will be chosen to receive $250-500 awards. Continue reading
LRT: Ten Year Anniversary of March in support of Driver’s Licenses
In marking the 10 year anniversary of the recall of Davis, and Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger’s immediate repeal of the driver’s license bill that Davis had signed, we remember Padre Luis Angel Nieto, the 17 students from my Rural and Urban Social Movements class, and the many day laborers from the PEOC who led a four-day march from Claremont to Los Angeles in 2003 (see the article that appeared in the L. A. Times below). Continue reading
LRT(Latin@ Round Table) Upcoming Elections
This November 9, 2013 the Latino/a Roundtable will be electing the next Executive Board to serve for two years. Continue reading
Latino and Latina Roundtable Newsletter
Below is a copy of the Latino and Latina Roundtable newsletter. We thank all the members who wrote articles and Melissa Ayala, Jose Hernandez, Israel Albarran for putting it together. Continue reading