Category Archives: workshop

Invitation to Redistricting Workshop sponsored by Latino and Latina Roundtable (in Partnership with MALDEF and NALEO – August 6th (6 -8 pm)

This is your invitation to a workshop on redistricting sponsored by the Latino and Latina Roundtable (in partnership with NALEO and MALDEF) on August 6th from 6:00 – 8 PM.   This workshop will let you know what redistricting is all about, what is meant by your “community of interest,” the timeline for the redistricting process in the next few months, and how you can participate in district boundary mapping and hearings.  

You Must RSVP to be part of this workshop.  Click on the flyer to register. Once you register, you will get a confirmation email with a zoom link.

For questions, please email Lina Mira at or Jacqueline from NALEO at

COI Workshop Flyer_PomonaValley_8-06-21

Our fist bilingual holiday workshop is this Tuesday! 🌟

Dear LRT Friends,

 Our Piñata ornament workshop is on Tuesday Dec. 15th at 5:00PM!  we will be using 100% recycled materials that you already have at home. Come and have a great time with your family and friends.  Save the date! No reservation needed, just click in the following link the day fo the event.


Nuestro primer taller de materiales reciclados es este martes 15 de diciembre a las 5:00PM, haremos una esfera en forma de piñata. Únase a nosotros en este taller bilingüe virtual GRATUITO, utilizando materiales 100% reciclados que ya tienes en casa. Ven y diviértete con tu familia y amigos.  Aparta la fecha, no necesitas reservación, para asistir solo da click en el siguiente enlace:

In Solidarity,

Fabián Pavón and Temis Laguna
The emPOWER Team
Environmental Justice for all