Category Archives: Fernando Pedraza

Invitation to Community Celebration Honoring Fernando Pedraza, 8-11 AM, Friday May 3 on corner of Arrow and Grove

Join us in the annual commemoration of Day Laborer leader Fernando Pedraza this Friday, May 3 from 8 – 10 am (8114 Arrow Route – on the corner of Arrow and Grove) in Rancho Cucamonga. On Cinco de Mayo (May 5th), 2007, a spontaneous demonstration by the Minutemen against day laborers on the corner of Arrow Highway and Grove Avenue in Rancho Cucamonga, ended with the death of day laborer leader Jose Fernando Pedraza. Fifty-seven-year-old Pedraza died at the corner where he waited on a daily basis for one-day jobs. It is also the corner where Pedraza organized other day laborers to defend their rights. In 2002, Pedraza was part of a court case against the City of Rancho Cucamonga who wanted to enforce a law disallowing day laborers to gather on the street. In the recent months before his death, Pedraza had attended several meetings of the Rancho Cucamonga city council to support his fellow day laborers so that they could have a job center where they could be safe from hate-based attacks and traffic accidents.

Jose Zapata Calderon
Emeritus Professor of Sociology and Chicano/a and Latino/a Studies
1050 North Mills Avenue
Claremont, CA 91711-6101
(909) 952-1640


Your invitation to the 15th Annual Fernando Pedraza Memorial and Community Celebration on May 5 from 8 am – 10 am

This is your invitation to the 15th Annual Fernando Pedraza Memorial and Community Celebration which will take place on Thursday, May 5th on the corner of Arrow Highway and Grove Avenue in Rancho Cucamonga from 8 am – 10 am.  The day laborers and community will gather between 8 am and 8:30 am with a breakfast and a prayer, ceremony, speakers, music, and a teatro between 8:30am and 10 am.   The memorial and celebration will commemorate the life of Fernando Pedraza and other day laborers who have recently passed away.

On Cinco de Mayo (May 5th), 2007, a spontaneous demonstration by the Minutemen against day laborers on the corner of Arrow Highway and Grove Avenue in Rancho Cucamonga, ended with the death of day laborer leader Jose Fernando Pedraza.  Fifty-seven year old Pedraza died at the corner where he waited on a daily basis for one-day jobs.  It is also the corner where Pedraza organized other day laborers to defend their rights.  In 2002, Pedraza was part of a court case against the City of Rancho Cucamonga who wanted to enforce a law disallowing day laborers to gather on the street.  In the recent months before his death, Pedraza had attended several meetings of the Rancho Cucamonga city council to support his fellow day laborers so that they could have a job center where they could be safe from hate-based attacks and traffic accidents.

Pedraza, a Mexican immigrant and a father of five daughters and the grandfather of seven, was killed at 1 P. M. on May 5, 2007 when an SUV, that hit a car in the intersection, rolled onto the sidewalk where day laborers were gathered.  On any other day, the day laborers would have left by the noon hour.  On this day, the day laborers stayed because the Minutemen showed up to protest the day laborer corner.

The Fernando Pedraza Memorial and Community Celebration is supported by the Pomona Economic Opportunity Center, Latino and Latina Roundtable, National Day Labor Organizing Network, Pitzer Center for Community Engagement, the Latino Student Union, and Radio Jornalera.

Contact:  Fanelly Millan at 909-446-9068

Fanelly Millán

Pomona Economic Opportunity Center
Inland Empire Coordinator 
(909) 397- 4215

To LRT Members: Support Pedraza Memorial on May 8 with a sign and your donation

To:  Latino and Latina Roundtable members:
Please support our day laborers in memory of Fernando Pedraza on May 8.  Please put a sign on your car that reads: Latino/a Roundtable Supports Pedraza Memorial and drop off your donation.

Dear Beloved Community,

To celebrate the legacy of Fernando Pedraza in accordance with CDC COVID-19 safety guidelines, we are hosting a Stop, Drop, and Drive Supply Bank. Per request of our Rancho Cucamonga day laborers, we aim to reach two hundred families with supply care bags. PEOC staff will be at the ARROW AND GROVE, RANCHO CUCAMONGA, 91730  corner on MAY 8 collecting donations from 9:00 am – 12:00 pm. We hope you STOP by, DROP off a donation, and DRIVE away knowing you joined us in honoring Fernando Pedraza’s giving spirit by providing a care bag donation for our beloved community.

Care bags can include non-perishable food items such as dried goods, beans, pastas, canned food, vegetables, fruits, cleaning supplies, and hygiene products. 


If you can’t STOP, DROP, AND DRIVE you can make a donation at: 


Stay tuned for more information on virtual programming for the day!

For questions or concerns, please contact: (818) 631 – 5712 or 


De acuerdo con las pautas de seguridad de COVID-19, nuestro memorial anual de Fernanda Pedraza será este año. Por solicitud de los trabajadores de Rancho Cucamonga, estamos honrando la vida de Fernando Pedraza y su espíritu de retribución al organizar un banco de alimentos Stop, Drop y Drive. Nuestro objetivo es recolectar 200 canastas de alimentos para la comunidad de jornaleros.

Para celebrar el legado de Fernando Pedraza de acuerdo con las pautas de seguridad de CDC COVID-19, estamos organizando un Banco de suministro de parada, caída y manejo. Por solicitud de nuestros jornaleros de Rancho Cucamonga, nuestro objetivo es llegar a doscientas familias con bolsas de suministros. El personal de PEOC estará en ARROW AND GROVE, RANCHO CUCAMONGA, esquina 91730 el 8 de MAYO, recolectando donaciones de 9:00 a.m. a 12:00 p.m. Esperamos que PARE su carro, DEJE su bolsa de apoyo, y MANEJE sabiendo que se unió a nosotros para honrar el espíritu de donación de Fernando Pedraza al proporcionar una donación de bolsa de atención para nuestra querida comunidad.

Las bolsas de cuidado pueden incluir alimentos no perecederos, como productos secos, frijoles, pastas, alimentos enlatados, verduras, frutas, productos de limpieza y productos de higiene.

¡Estén atentos para más información sobre programación virtual para el día!

Si no pueden PARAR, DEJAR, Y MANEJAR pueden hacer una donación

Para preguntas o inquietudes, comuníquese con: (818) 631 – 5712 o


Your Invitation to Support Day Laborers and Worker Community: Fernando Pedraza Memorial SATURDAY MAY 5th 10am-12pm

Please  join us in celebrating the life of Jose Fernando Pedraza and strength of the day labor community this Saturday, May 5th from 10 am – 12pm at the corner of Arrow and Grove in Rancho Cucamonga.  The Fernando Pedraza Community Coalition is a loose coalition of day laborers, community members, organizers, and students from the Claremont Colleges. The goal of FPCC is to create and maintain a relationship between each group and to create a supportive network for the workers. This coalition aims to continue Fernando Pedraza’s struggle, a day laborer, organizer and leader who strove to make the corner (Arrow and Grove in Rancho Cucamonga) a safe and positive place for workers. We will have music, food, and speakers!  Attached is a flyer with details. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to e-mail me or call/text me at (818) 631-5712.

Daniela Alvarenga
Hecker Community Fellow
Day Labor Centers | Pitzer in Ontario
Community Engagement Center