Providing employment and services for day laborers
Every morning at dawn, you will find day laborers looking for work at various street corners throughout the Inland Valley. For the past fifteen years, the Pomona Economic Opportunity Center (PEOC) has operated the Pomona Day Labor Center, the only worker center of its kind in our region. The PEOC not only provides a safe place for workers and their potential employers to meet up and negotiate a day’s work, it also organizes the day laborers so that they are active leaders in their own communities who take on issues important to day laborers and all immigrant workers.
The PEOC has been nationally recognized for our work in educating day laborers and immigrant communities about their rights, organizing and building coalitions to defend those rights, and working towards building a more supportive society for immigrants. We have expanded our work to include day laborers in the cities of Rancho Cucamonga, Riverside, and San Bernardino so that more and more day laborers are brought together to share their common experiences and build a larger movement for social and economic justice.
In the past five years, we have expanded our membership to include over 400 day laborers, students, community leaders, and allies. We have been an active leader in the development of the Justice for Immigrants Coalition of Inland Southern California and other local coalitions. We have also defended the rights of day laborers to look for work free of discrimination, harassment, and arrest or detention.
In order to continue building on our past accomplishments, we need your help. We would like to invite you to be a host of our first Summer Garden Party for Justice on Saturday, June 29th, 2013 from 4:00—8:00 pm. There, you will hear first-hand about the work of the PEOC, our day laborer leaders, and the community leaders who have aligned with the day laborer struggle. You will also learn about opportunities to get more involved with our work and hear how our work has impacted the community around us.
There are several ways that you can support the work of the PEOC as a host of our Garden Party. We hope that you will be as generous as you can so that we can continue and expand our work with day laborers and immigrant rights. Will you consider donating at one of the following four host/sponsorship levels?
CHAMPION: $1,000 – 8 complimentary tickets
PARTNER: $750 – 6 complimentary tickets
ALLY: $500 – 4 complimentary tickets
FRIEND: $250 – 2 complimentary tickets
All of the hosts will be recognized at the event. You may donate by writing a check to the PEOC (in the memo write 2013 Fundraiser) and mailing it to PEOC, P.O. Box 2496, Pomona, CA, 91769. You can also donate online using PayPal on our website at
Your gift will allow the PEOC to continue in strengthening our community. Together we are transforming the community and empowering the people in our region. Thank you so much for your support!