The Latino and Latina Roundtable will hold its bi-monthly membership meeting this Saturday, September 14th at 1 PM, Pitzer College Broad Center Room 208 (1050 N. Mills Ave.) in Claremont. See event. Key points on the agenda include: 1. A review of the driver’s license campaign and strategies for how to follow-up on the AB 60 campaign, the “Safe and Responsible Drivers’ Act,” now heading to the floor of the State Senate for final approval prior to reaching the governor’s desk. 2. A summary on the status of immigration reform legislation and our recent immigrant rights forums. 3. The election of a new board for the organization. The meeting will include the beginning of nominations for the board which includes four officers (President, Vice-President, Treasurer, and Secretary) and seven at-large. Nominations for these positions can be made until October 17th. Only members can make nominations and only members can vote. New members who want to be participants in the vote have until October 10th to apply and pay dues. The final vote count will be tabulated and new officers seated at the membership meeting set for Saturday, November 19th. At this Saturday’s meeting the full process will be discussed and how members can vote if they have extenuating circumstances. The entire process will be sent out to members after this Saturday’s meeting. If you are interested in nominating yourself or to have someone nominate you, please be present at this meeting.
The Latino and Latina Roundtable Bimonthly Meeting
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