You are invited to the membership meeting of the Latino and Latina Roundtable on Saturday, April 26th, from 1 – 3, at the Broad Center Room 208 at Pitzer College (1050 N. Mills Ave. in Claremont).
The meeting will include a summary of the Cesar Chavez Breakfast, the Cesar Chavez Pilgrimage, updates on the stop vehicle impoundments campaign, follow-up on driver’s license implementation, plans for membership socials, committee reports, and implementation of plans from the retreat. If you have friends that are interested in joining the Latino and Latina Roundtable, this is the opportunity to invite them.
Latino and Latina Roundtable Membership Meeting
April 26, 2014
1. Introductions
2. Treasurer’s report
3. Summary of minutes from the Retreat
4. Summary of LRT recent organized activities
A. Cesar Chavez Breakfast
B. Cesar Chavez Pilgrimage
5. Implementation of Plans from Retreat ( Discussion on development of committees)
A. Immigrant Rights B. Political Action C. Organizational Development
6. Having a contingent as part of May 1 march in San Bernardino
6. Signing up for Committees and individuals to head-up committees (chair and co-chair)
5. Other Business
6. Announcements: 1. The film “Cesar’s Last Fast” which will be showing at the Pasadena Playhouse this weekend 2. 7th annual Fernando Pedraza Memorial & Community Celebration; Saturday, May 3rd, 2014, 10:00am – 12:00pm (*Pedraza memorial service, speakers, Tortas and Aguas Frescas; 3. Thursday, May 1 — May Day, 2014 San Bernardino, California San Bernardino, California (someone to organize transportation)
7. Date for next Membership meeting