California more supportive of our undocumented immigrant brothers, sisters, and families.

Thanks to the many coalition immigrant rights efforts now making California more supportive of our undocumented immigrant brothers, sisters, and families. It was not that long ago that the voters supported Proposition 187 in California. Today, the majority of voters support legalization. Along the way, we have had marches such as the 2006 march, in which one million people marched against the Sensenbrenner bill – a bill that was ultimately defeated in the Senate in 2006. We have had legislation supporting: cities opting out of e-verify, the right of undocumented students to attend college with financial aid, the right of anyone stopped at a DUI checkpoint to call a friend or relative with a license to pick up their car, a bill that will allow for our undocumented brothers and sisters to obtain a driver’s license, the Trust Act that limits the state’s cooperation with Secure Communities (a federal program that allows the Department of Homeland Security to access fingerprints taken by local police, to screen detained individuals for immigration status and to request that law enforcement agencies hold them if they’re found to be undocumented), and now this — legislation repealing unenforceable provisions of Proposition 187. I remember, when Kevin de Leon was still a student — and was leading a demonstration of thousands in Los Angeles against Proposition 187. Now he is in a position of helping to repeal what is left of it.

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