E-mails Coming in lauding LRT and Breakfast

Below are some e-mails that have come in lauding the work of the LRT and the breakfast.  It is important for all the people who worked behind the scenes (especially) to know that this work is having a big impact in creating substantial change in our communities.  We should celebrate at our Membership meeting on Saturday, April 11th, between 1 and 3 PM, at Pitzer College Broad Center Room 212 (1050 N. Mills Ave. in Claremont).



From: Stephanie Lee [stephanie@newcityps.org]
Sent: Friday, March 27, 2015 2:55 PM
To: Jose Calderon
Subject: Re: Invitation to the Latino/a Roundtable Cesar Chavez Breakfast
Dr. Calderon,
I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for inviting me to your fabulous Latin@ Round Table César Chávez breakfast! From the moment I sat down, I felt at home (coincidentally next to a kind Unitarian Universalist minister – rare to randomly meet someone of my own uncommon denomination).
Please tell the planning committee that:
  • the music was amazing – I could have listened to that trio all day
  • the speakers were inspirational and genuine – I particularly loved the united parents from the Pomona schools (when you spoke about the woman organizing from her death bed, I got choked up with you)
  • the kind servers were able to accommodate my vegan meal request + the salsa was fresh and quite yummy (unusual for a large gathering)!
  • the silent auction items were lovely – I can home with two! (signed Dolores Huerta print and the Jessie De la Cruz book by Gary Soto)
I know the professional photos will be arriving soon – but here are a few from my cell phone just for starters – estoy muy agradecida por la invitación al desayuno y por el apoyo que nos ha brindado.
stephanie nicole lee


From: Eddie Marquez [marquezeddie003@gmail.com]
Sent: Wednesday, April 01, 2015 9:44 AM
To: Jose Calderon
Subject: Re: Articulo en Unidos: Dirigentes Locales Reciben Reconocimiento en Desayuno Cesar Chavez
Professor Calderon,
El trabajo que han hecho y siguen haciendo el Latino(a) Round Table ya esta impactando nuestra communidad. 
El sistema Cal State desde 2012 los Latinos son la mayoria de la poblacion.  En Cal Poly Pomona 33%, Cal State Fullerton 37%,
Channel Islands 29% etc.
Cuando yo fui a UC Riverside en 1996 eramos 14% hoy en dia estamos casi a 30% de la poblacion.
Me recuerdo cuando usted hablo y nos conto de su experiencia en Colorado donde habia menos de 10 estudiantes Latinos.
Felicdades en el trabajo que ha construido y los triunfos que vienen.
Con mucho respeto, 
Eddie Marquez

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