Don’t miss —
Tres Actos:
The Militants, Vietnam Campesino & Los Vendidos
The University of La Verne Department of Theatre Arts presents three plays by internationally renowned playwright, theatre and film director Luis Valdez (Zoot Suit, La Bamba). Directed by Artist-in-Residence Alma Martinez, Tres Actos: The Militants, Vietnam Campesino & Los Vendidos performances run November 10, 11, 12 at 7:30pm, November 17, 18, 19 at 7:30pm, and November 20 at 2pm in the Dailey Theatre located on the main campus at 1950 3rd St.
La Verne, CA 91750.
The “actos,” or short plays, were first performed by Valdez’s theatre company, El Teatro Campesino. He founded the company in 1965 in the heat of the United Farmworkers union’s struggle to secure basic labor and human rights for the most vulnerable of the U.S. labor force. These “actos”, that are now classics of American agitprop theater, were performed by striking farm workers on picket lines, flatbed trucks, and at pivotal historic events such as the 1965 Delano Grape Strike and the 1966 United Farmworker Union’s march to Sacramento.
Suggested donation is $5 for students, $10 for staff, senior citizens and alumni, and $12 for general admission. Reservations can be made through Eventbrite at:
For more information go to (909) 448-4386,, or visit the La Verne Theatre website at
Thuy Tran (Angela)
Publicity and Marketing Manager
Theatre Arts Department
University of La Verne