Common Vision UFW fellowship focused on community garden movement

Opportunity for young people interested in school garden movement:

“We are seeking fellows who can join Common Vision’s 6-week tour where we plant fruit trees, tend educational orchards, make art and run programming with students at public schools from San Diego to the San Francisco Bay Area. Fellows will work with the Common Vision staff and volunteers to make UFW history, current relevant issues and campaigns a bigger part of Common Vision’s educational curriculum; fellows will collaborate with Common Vision staff to help provide suggestions to teachers and garden coordinators in this same vein. With on-the-ground perspective at over 50 school gardens and orchards, fellows will consider the school garden “movement” and make suggestions about where it could be a more effective educational and organizational tool.”

Jose Zapata Calderon

Emeritus Professor of Sociology and Chicano/a and Latino/a Studies

1050 North Mills Avenue

Claremont, CA 91711-6101

(909) 952-1640



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