Hello LRT Friends and Supporters,
We want to invite you to the Latino and Latina Roundtable’s 18th Annual Cesar Chavez Breakfast Fundraiser on March 25th, 2022 at 9:00 AM. We will be honoring individuals from our communities, who are living out the core values of the late civil rights activist and labor leader – Cesar E. Chavez.
Due to the surge in COVID cases, our celebration will be virtual.
Our honorees this year are:
Nora Garcia, Pomona City Councilmember
Daniel Loera, Director of Multicultural Affairs at the University of La Verne
Dr. Krystana Walks-Harper, Assistant Superintendent of Pupil and Community Services, Pomona Unified School District
Rosa Martha Zarate, Singer/Activist, and co-author of Our grandfathers were braceros and we too…
Also being honored for their long history of work with the LRT and our communities are Community Star Award recipients:
Ignacio “Nacho” Montes and Rosemary Rodriguez
We hope you can join us, to buy tickets please go to the following link https://18thannualcesarchavezbreakfastfundraiser.eventbrite.com
If you need more information please call us at (909) 480-6267 or email us at info@latinolatinaroundtable.org