Hello Friends and Supporters,
Latino and Latina Roundtable of the San Gabriel and Pomona Valley is a grassroots non-profit organization. We invite you to be part of our 18th Annual Cesar Chavez Breakfast, which is on March 25th via zoom at 9:00 AM; this is our biggest fundraiser and celebration of the year. Every ticket you buy supports our mission and work on College for all, Ethnic Studies, Immigrant Rights, and advocacy on quality of life issues, such as mental health and wellness, and economic resiliency for our communities. We are counting on your support!
In addition, we will be offering Social Justice Scholarships for our local students, you can click here to apply.
We also honor members from our communities, who are living out the core values of the civil rights activist and labor leader – Cesar E. Chavez.
To purchase tickets, please go to the following link https://18thannualcesarchavezbreakfastfundraiser.eventbrite.com
Our honorees this year are:
Nora Garcia, Councilmember, City of Pomona
Daniel Loera, Director of Multicultural Affairs at the University of La Verne
Dr. Krystana Walks-Harper, Assistant Superintendent of Pupil and Community Services, Pomona Unified School District
Rosa Martha Zarate, Singer/Activist, and co-author of Our grandfathers were braceros, and we too…
Also being honored for their long history and commitment to the LRT and our community our Community Star Award recipients are:
Ignacio “Nacho” Montes and Rosemary Rodriguez
If you need more information, please call us at (909) 480-6267 or email us at info@latinolatinaroundtable.org