Category Archives: Cesar Chavez Breakfast

Invitation to the Latino/a Roundtable Cesar Chavez Fundraiser breakfast – March 28, 2025

Good Evening Friends,


I am writing to request your support of our Latino and Latina Roundtable twenty-first Annual Cesar Chavez breakfast, which will take place on Friday, March 28 at the Sheraton Fairplex Events and Conference Center in Pomona from 8 am – 10 am.  This year’s theme is “Building Bridges for Equity and Social Justice” and our emcee will be Scripps College Intercollegiate Chicana/o Latina/o Studies Professor Martha Gonzalez (lead singer, percussionist, and songwriter for the band Quetzal). We invite you to support us by purchasing individual tickets or being a sponsor of this momentous event that celebrates the resilience, creativity, and power of our communities. Many of our founding members were young organizers who learned from Cesar Chavez, and as is the tradition of this day, our breakfast honors exemplary leaders who have used their lives in the interests of our communities.


This year, as part of celebrating twenty-one years of the community-based work of the organization, we will be honoring: Mark Ramos, President of the United Food and Commercial Workers Local 1428 and President of the UFCW Western States Council; Paul Botello, community-based art muralist and educator; Jose Calderon, Pitzer College Emeritus Professor in Sociology and Chicano/a Latino/a Studies and one of the founders and past President of the Latino and Latina Roundtable; Rose Calderon, long-time community organizer, artist, and past Treasurer of the Latino and Latina Roundtable; Pasadena Community Job Center and Second Responders providing relief and recovery efforts in recent fires; and LRT Community Star award recipient Maria Galvan (LRT Board Member); and local students who will be receiving Social Justice Scholarship awards.

This year is an important year as we continue to place our organization on a solid long-term foundation through the further development of an office, staff, board, and membership. More than ever, we need your support in these difficult times as we take on immense local and national challenges through our Immigrant rights “Know Your Rights, Rapid Response, and Sanctuary” Campaign; Pomona Jobs Project; annual cultural Dia de Muertos; annual Dolores Huerta and Cesar Chavez Pilgrimage March; support efforts of day laborer and worker organizations/unions; and our education advocacy with the statewide College For All coalition (which promotes college access and opportunity for all).

In the spirit of community, I invite you to join us on March 28th, 2025, and purchase tickets or become a sponsor. Please see the attached document with the sponsorship levels. Our mailing address is: 1460 E. Holt Avenue, 144, Pomona, CA 91767. If there are any questions, or additional information to make a decision about sponsorship please do not hesitate to contact our director Lina Mira at:

Rose Calderon
Past Executive Board Member of the Latino/a Roundtable
(909) 816-8045 

Latino and Latina Roundtable Membership Meeting – Saturday 1-2:30 pm (Hybrid)

We are excited to see you tomorrow for our Membership Meeting- Saturday March 1st 2025. 
The meeting is in person at the LRT office with an option to participate virtually.
Attached is the agenda.
Time: 1-2:30 pm 
Location: 1460 E. Holt Avenue, Room 5 
Pomona CA 91767 
Entrance 2 or 3 
zoom option: 

Topic: Latino and Latina Roundtable Membership Meeting
Time: Mar 1, 2025 01:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)

Meeting ID: 812 5541 4429
Passcode: 420789

Please let me know if you have any questions. Also, if you need to renew your membership in person, please bring a check. If you already renewed your membership, thank you for your support.

Lina Mira

(909) 480-6267

Requesting your Support for LRT 2025 Cesar Chavez Breakfast on March 28, 2025

I am writing, as I did last year, to request your support of our Latino and Latina Roundtable twenty-first Annual Cesar Chavez breakfast which will take place on Friday, March 28 at the Sheraton Fairplex Events and Conference Center in Pomona from 8 am – 10 am. This year’s theme is “Building Bridges for Equity and Social Justice” and our emcee will be Scripps College Intercollegiate Chicana/o Latina/o Studies Professor Martha Gonzalez (lead singer, percussionist, and songwriter for the band Quetzal). We invite you to once again support us by purchasing individual tickets or being a sponsor of this momentous event that celebrates the resilience, creativity, and power of our communities. Many of our founding members were young organizers who learned from Cesar Chavez and as is the tradition of this day, our breakfast honors exemplary leaders who have used their lives in the interests of our communities.
This year, as part of celebrating twenty one years of the community-based work of the organization, we will be honoring:  Mark Ramos, President of the United Food and Commercial Workers Local 1428 and President of the UFCW Western States Council; Paul Botello, community-based art muralist and educator; Jose Calderon, Pitzer College Emeritus Professor in Sociology and Chicano/a Latino/a Studies and one of the founders and past President of the Latino and Latina Roundtable; Rose Calderon, long-time community organizer, artist, and past Treasurer of the Latino and Latina Roundtable; Pasadena Community Job Center and Second Responders providing relief and recovery efforts in recent fires; and LRT Community Star award recipient Maria Galvan (LRT Board Member); and local students who will be receiving Social Justice Scholarship awards. 
This year is an important year as we continue to place our organization on a solid long-term foundation through the further development of an office, staff, board, and membership. More than ever, we need your support in these difficult times as we take on immense local and national challenges through our Immigrant rights “Know Your Rights, Rapid Response, and Sanctuary” Campaign; Pomona Jobs Project; annual cultural Dia de Muertos; annual Dolores Huerta and Cesar Chavez Pilgrimage March; support efforts of day laborer and worker organizations/unions; and our education advocacy with the statewide College For All coalition (which promotes college access and opportunity for all). 
In the spirit of community, I invite you to join us on March 28th, 2025, and purchase tickets or become a sponsor. Please see the attached document with the sponsorship levels. Our mailing address is: 1460 E. Holt Avenue, 144, Pomona, CA 91767. If there are any questions, or additional information to make a decision about sponsorship please do not hesitate to contact our director Lina Mira at:
Jose Zapata Calderon

Emeritus Professor of Sociology and Chicano/a and Latino/a Studies
1050 North Mills Avenue
Claremont, CA 91711-6101
(909) 952-1640

Cesar Chavez Planning Breakfast -Kick-off meeting 1/21/2025 @ 6:00 pm

LRT Ad La Voz 1172Hello LRT Members and friends,
We are kicking off our planning meetings for the Annual Cesar Chavez Breakfast and fundraiser. This year will be our 21st Annual Cesar Chavez Breakfast. We continue the tradition of honoring and celebrating people who are
making a difference in our communities.
The Breakfast will take place on Friday March 28th at the Sheraton Fairplex Conference Center in Pomona, CA. We have a start time of 8 am. 
Sponsorship opportunities and ticket sales will begin on Monday January 27th, 2025. 
Come and share your ideas and sign up for committees.

Latino and Latina Roundtable Org. is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Cesar Chavez Planning Meeting
Time: Jan 21, 2025 06:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 843 3534 6717
Passcode: 866853

One tap mobile
+16694449171,,84335346717#,,,,*866853# US
+17193594580,,84335346717#,,,,*866853# US

Dial by your location
• +1 669 444 9171 US
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• +1 720 707 2699 US (Denver)
• +1 253 205 0468 US
• +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)
• +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
• +1 386 347 5053 US
• +1 507 473 4847 US
• +1 564 217 2000 US
• +1 646 558 8656 US (New York)
• +1 646 931 3860 US
• +1 689 278 1000 US
• +1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC)
• +1 305 224 1968 US
• +1 309 205 3325 US
• +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
• +1 360 209 5623 US

Meeting ID: 843 3534 6717
Passcode: 866853

Find your local number:

Lina Mira

(909) 480-6267

Asking for your support

I am writing to request your support for our annual Latino and Latina Roundtable of the San Gabriel and Pomona Valley 20th annual Cesar Chavez breakfast fundraiser (that will be held Friday, March 29, 2024 (from 8 am – 10 am with check-in beginning at 7 am) at the Sheraton Fairplex (601 W. McKinley Ave) in Pomona).  As you know, the Latino and Latina Roundtable continues to organize in our communities on immigrant rights, education, and well-being economy issues.   You have always supported us in the past – and I am hoping that you can be a sponsor this year.   This year, as part of celebrating over twenty years of the founding of the Latino and Latina Roundtable and as part of honoring exemplary leaders who have used their lives in the interests of our communities, we will be honoring:  Professor Harry Pachon (posthumously), the past President of the Tomas Rivera Policy Institute, Kenan Professor of Political Studies at Pitzer and the Claremont Graduate School and one of the catalysts for the founding of LRT; Deliana Speights, Secretary-Treasurer of UFCW 1428 and Regional Coordinator of the Women’s Network; Fernando Meza, Pomona Unified Assistant Superintendent in the administration of Pupil and Community Services; Dr. Mary Montes, Former School Board Member at Pomona Unified; St. Francis RN’s and Healthcare Workers from UNAC/UHCP and SEIU-UHW; the Avocado Heights Vaquer@s and Union de Ranchos; LRT Community Star award recipient (LRT board member and secretary) Alicia Rodriguez: and local students who will be receiving Social Justice Scholarship awards. 


Our organization has made great strides in being able to sustain itself through the development of an office, a resolute staff, a committed board, and an active membership. We have been successful in not only representing the interests of our Latinx community through education, immigrant rights, and new economy committees, but we have been on the front lines consistently in building multi-racial unity, in supporting labor, in bringing together people from different backgrounds, genders, sexualities, and racial histories in solving some of the well-being economic, political, and social problems which our communities are facing.  Now, to advance our efforts, we are calling on you to support this one annual fundraiser. As our Executive Director Lina Mira has written in the attached request letter:


In the spirit of community, I invite you to join us on March 29th, 2024, and purchase a ticket or better yet become a sponsor. I have included the various sponsorship levels. Please see the attached attachment. Our mailing address is:  Latino and Latina Roundtable- 1460 E. Holt Avenue, #144, Pomona, CA 91767 and we are a 501@3 organization. Our tax ID number is: 45-4458833. If you need additional information and documents to become a sponsor please contact or call (909) 480-6267.

Jose Zapata Calderon

Emeritus Professor of Sociology and Chicano/a and Latino/a Studies
1050 North Mills Avenue
Claremont, CA 91711-6101
(909) 952-1640






Nominee deadline tonight- Latino and Latina Roundtable

Hello LRT Members,

Please help us select the honorees for the 20th Annual Cesar Chavez Breakfast  taking place on March 29th 2024 at the Fairplex in Pomona, CA at 8:00 am. Tickets will be available to purchase online starting January 12th 2024.

All paid members can nominate individuals or organizations or groups.  Attached is a list of past honorees.

Nominate a community member who embodies and lives out the core values of Cesar Chavez-

Service to Others, Sacrifice, Preference to help the most in need and forgotten no matter how difficult the challenge,  Determination, Nonviolence, Acceptance of All People, Respect for Life and Environment, Celebrating Community, Knowledge, and Innovation 


Please include the name of the person and your reasons. You can write your nomination in the body of an email or include an attachment. There is a word limit- 500 words or less. The deadline is January 3rd by 11:30 pm, email should be sent to and write Cesar Chavez Honoree 2024 in the subject line. The LRT board reviews your nominations and selects the honorees in January during their meeting.  You will receive confirmation of your submission. 

For more information, please call (909) 480-6267. 


CCBx LRT Past year Honorees2023.docx

Latino/a Roundtable -Cesar Chavez Honorees 2024

Hello LRT Members and Friends,

Please help us select the honorees for the 20th Cesar Chavez Breakfast. The annual breakfast and fundraiser will take place on March 29th 2024 at the Fairplex in Pomona, CA. We are expecting another memorable event and hope you can attend.

All paid members can nominate individuals or organizations or groups.  I have included a list of past honorees. Please review before submitting your nomination. Also, please renew your membership. If you became a member prior to November 2023, you will need to renew again for 2024. 

Nominate a community member who embodies and lives out the core values of Cesar Chavez-

Service to Others, Sacrifice, Preference to help the most in need and forgotten no matter how difficult the challenge,  Determination, Nonviolence, Acceptance of All People, Respect for Life and Environment, Celebrating Community, Knowledge, and Innovation 

Please include the name of the person and your reasons. You can write your nomination in the body of an email or include an attachment. There is a word limit- 500 words or less. The deadline is January 3rd by 11:30 pm, email should be sent to and write Cesar Chavez Honoree 2024 in the subject line. The LRT board reviews your nominations and selects the honorees in January during their meeting.

Social Justice Scholarships – The application will open in early January. This scholarship is open to all high school seniors and current undergraduate college/university students who are from the San Gabriel and Pomona Valley regardless of immigration status.

For more information, please call (909) 480-6267. 

Happy Holldays, 


CCBx LRT Past year Honorees2023.docx