Category Archives: Class

Invitation to Pomona City Councilperson John Nolte on Well-Being Economy this Wed., April 27 at 4 PM

Pomona City Councilperson John Nolte will speak on the meaning of the “well-being economy,” how it is being implemented in various parts of the country, and how it can advance the future of Pomona in advancing human potential, health, and well-being.  The presentation will be made to the Rural and Urban Social Movements class on April 27 at 4 pm.  Anyone outside the class who is interested can connect virtually at this link:

In John’s own words:  “This pathway is new. Our economy needs to change to put people first. We can and must start here. The cooperative model makes workers into owners, it substitutes cooperation for competition, it lifts leaders, thinkers, and problem solvers in our community who today are beat down by exploitation, overwork, and mistreatment.    The LRT Wellbeing Proposal is a down payment on a better, brighter, vibrant local economy where local workers have the means to stay and raise their families in dignity; where local spending, hiring, and a future network of interconnected cooperatives multiply the power of every dollar; where our people and our City build wealth to sustain us through pandemics and any other curveball the universe might throw at us.”

Jose Calderon is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: CHLT-153 Rural and Urban Social Movements class
Time: Apr 27, 2022 02:45 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
        Every week on Wed, until May 4, 2022, 2 occurrence(s)
        Apr 27, 2022 02:45 PM
        May 4, 2022 02:45 PM
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Jose Zapata Calderon
Emeritus Professor of Sociology and Chicano/a and Latino/a Studies
1050 North Mills Avenue
Claremont, CA 91711-6101
(909) 952-1640