Smithsonian Latino Center Accepting Applications for 2016 Young Ambassadors Program
March 15, 2016
Deadline: April 4, 2016
The Smithsonian Latino Center, a division of the Smithsonian Institution, works to ensure that Latino contributions to art, science, and the humanities are highlighted, understood, and advanced through the development and support of public programs, scholarly research, museum collections, and educational opportunities at the Smithsonian and its affiliated organizations.
The center is now accepting applications for the 2016 Young Ambassadors Program, an annual program that aims to foster the next generation of Latino leaders in the arts, sciences, and humanities.
Through the program, graduating high school seniors with an interest in and commitment to the arts, sciences, and humanities as they pertain to Latino communities and cultures will be selected to travel to Washington, D.C., for a weeklong seminar at the Smithsonian. The week consists of visits to the Smithsonian’s Latino collections and one-on-one interaction with renowned experts from various fields, including museum professionals. Following the week in Washington, students participate in a four-week interdisciplinary internship in museums and cultural institutions in seventeen cities across the United States and Puerto Rico, including Smithsonian-affiliated organizations.
Student selection is based on demonstrated interest, commitment and excellence in the arts, sciences, and humanities as well as academic record, leadership experience, and dedication to education and community service. The program includes meals and accommodations for the duration of the one-week training seminar, round-trip travel to Washington, D.C., and a program stipend following the four-week internship. Upon completion of the five-week program, participants will receive $2,000 to apply to their future educational plans.
For complete program guidelines, an FAQ, and application instructions, see the Smithsonian Latino Center Web site.
Link to Complete RFP