Category Archives: LLRT of San Gabriel
LRT Roundtable Academy Organizing Meeting at 7 PM on June 17
Jose Calderon is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Jose Zapata Calderon President of the Latino and Latina Roundtable Emeritus Professor of Sociology and Chicano/a and Latino/a Studies 1050 North Mills Avenue Claremont, CA 91711-6101 (909) 952-1640 Website:
Invitation to LRT Anchor Mission Committee Toward New Models of Economic Development
Dear Interested Members of the Latino & Latina Roundtable and friends:
LRT College for All part of Advocacy Week on education legislative bills
Attached are the five bills that the College for All Coalition is meeting with legislators on – as part of Advocacy Week this week. We have a core group of LRT members that are part of meetings with legislators on Tuesday and Thursday. We will report on the outcomes in our future board and membership meetings.
Request of LRT – Urgent Call: support for the CA VISION Act (floor vote this morning)
Hi NDLON is supporting the VISION Act. It is urgent to call Assembly members Sabrina Cervantes and Blanca Rubio to support the California Vision Act tomorrow morning. The district office phone numbers are: Sabrina Cervantes (951-6860) and Blanca Rubio (626-960-4457)
The VISION Act is the next step toward building the consensus that all people should be treated equally by the criminal justice system. Specifically, it would end the transfers of people from California’s local jails and prisons to ICE custody, directly challenging the practice of double punishment, double suspicion, and deprivation of due process for immigrants that have served time.
Begin forwarded message:
From: Salvador Sarmiento <>Subject: Urgent support for the CA VISION Act (floor vote tomorrow AM)Date: June 2, 2021 at 5:57:44 PM PDTTo: Angela Sanbrano <>
Hi friends from the Latino Roundtable:
We are reaching out to ask if you could reach out to Assembly members Sabrina Cervantes and Blanca Rubio to support the California Vision Act which is going to a vote tomorrow morning.
The VISION Act is the next step toward building the consensus that all people should be treated equally by the criminal justice system. Specifically, it would end the transfers of people from California’s local jails and prisons to ICE custody, directly challenging the practice of double punishment, double suspicion, and deprivation of due process for immigrants that have served time.
Let me know if we can connect asap to send a note, or if you can put in a call to either of these offices. My mobile- 202-746-2099.
Salvador G Sarmiento, National Day Laborer Organizing Network (NDLON)
LRT newsletter for you and reminder of our Virtual LRT meeting this Sat., May 22 at 1 PM
Hello LRT Family and Friends,
This year is going really fast and we want to thank you for being a part of it and make it better. We also want to share our Spring-Summer Newsletter and the dates for some other virtual events, including our membership meeting this Saturday, May 22nd at 1:00 PM.
As part of our effort to support the health and wellness of our community, the LRT, in collaboration with the Alzheimer’s Association, will present a series of educational programs every Wednesday until June 9th, 2021, all workshops start at 4:00 PM PST via Zoom here:
Please share with your friends and family. This workshop will be in Spanish. We are planning to offer it in English too in the future.
If you would keep supporting our organization and mission please donate here.
For questions or more information please email or call (909) 480-6267
Thank you for your love and support!
In solidarity,
Pomona Fairplex Emergency Intake Site Virtual Town Hall
Hello LRT Members and Friends,
LRT Membership Meeting Saturday 5/22/2021 1-3 pm on Zoom
Hi LRT Members,
LRT in Unity With Power to the CommUnity: A Community – to – College Pathway
The Latino and Latina Roundtable of the San Gabriel and Pomona Valley is honored to join in this “Power to the CommUnity: A Community-to-College Pathway,” as part of the efforts to create a pathway towards higher education in our communities and particularly to create a virtual space in the community for youth to be able to learn about the Summer Bridge Program and other services and career pathways offered at Mt. SAC. T
Jose Zapata Calderon
President of the Latino and Latin Roundtable
Hello everyone,
I am excited to announce that the Mt. San Antonio College El Centro and Bridge Programs are hosting an event called, “Power to the CommUnity: A Community-to-College Pathway”. Our intention is to work with community based organizations in order to create a virtual space in the community for youth to be able to learn about the Summer Bridge Program and other services and career pathways offered at Mt. SAC. We want to increase the accessibility of this information and create a pathway towards higher education in our communities. We are hoping that you all would be willing to partner with us on this particular event.
The event will be taking place on Wednesday, May 19th, 2021 from 4pm to 6pm via zoom.
During the event, our team will briefly cover the steps to apply, where to learn more about our vocational programs, where to search for academic majors, and where to learn more about our sports programs. We will then go into detail about the Summer Bridge Program. Furthermore, we will talk about our student support equity programs and give tips on how to stay connected.
Please let me know if you or your organization would be interested in partnering. All you would have to do is spread the word about this event with any of the youth you work with. We would also love to add your logos to the flyer.
If you have any questions, comments, or concerns please feel free to reach out to us at any time.
Fabian Pavon Student Services Support Bridge|El Centro|Minority Male Initiative Mt. San Antonio College